Particles, Astroparticles, Cosmology: Theory – PACT

Manager: Felix BRÜMMER


PACT is a research team of theoretical physicists working on topics dealing with the infinitely small (elementary particle physics), the infinitely large (astrophysical and cosmological scales), and the inter-connections between these two extremes.

Among the key topics investigated in the group, one finds: the building and study of particle theories beyond the standard model (BSM) in which new particles and interactions may arise, potentially unifying on energy scales close to the Planck mass; the theoretical and phenomenological exploration of the dark matter problem in astrophysics and cosmology, from model-building perspectives to the assessment of the best strategies to search for signatures in astrophysical, cosmological, or laboratory observables; the study of the primordial universe (inflation, generation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry, primordial magnetic fields, etc.).

The PACT team at the LUPM  is composed of 8 permanent researchers and faculties, a few emeriti, and several postdocs and PhD students. It has scientific ties with the TIF team at the neighbor L2C laboratory, which hosts 3 permanent researchers.


Research topics

PACT’s expertise in the theoretical particle physics is relevant to several topics:
– Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) or its extension with singlets (NMSSM, N2MSSM).
– SUSY breaking models (supergravity, GMSB).
– Computation of SUSY particle spectrums by dedicated codes (NMSSMTools).
– Theoretical and experimental constraints on SUSY models.
– Collider signatures of new physics.
– Effective field theories applied to new physics searches and to dark matter.
– QCD spectral sum rules.
– Operator valued distribution functions in QFTs.
– Top quark and Higgs boson phenomenology – connections with new physics searches.

The bulk of PACT’s activities in astroparticle physics and cosmology comprises:
– Dark matter particle model building; primordial black holes.
– Study of dark matter production mechanisms and decoupling in the early universe.
– Particle dark matter searches (WIMPs, gravitinos, axions, dark photons, etc.).
– Theoretical predictions for indirect dark matter searches using: BBN, the CMB, gamma rays, antimatter cosmic rays.
– Theoretical predictions for direct dark matter searches.
– Structuring and dynamics of dark matter on small scales (subhalos) and impact on searches.
– Phase-space distribution of dark matter in structures.
– Early universe: inflation, BBN, primordial magnetic fields, primordial black holes, baryogenesis, dark energy.
– High-energy astrophysics: Galactic cosmic rays, cosmic antimatter, gamma-rays (standard vs. exotic production).


Hosted projects
  • ANR/GaDaMa – Julien LAVALLE
  • ERC/SG/NewRecords – Vivian POULIN


Team Members
  • Permanent staff
  • PhD students, post-docs and emeritus
    • DUBOSCQ Théo (PhD st., U. Montpellier)
    • FERRANTE Giacomo (PhD st., CNRS/IN2P3)
    • HOGG Natalie (PD, CNRS-IN2P3)
    • PARÉ Théo (PhD st., CNRS/IN2P3)
    • POUDOU Adèle (PhD st., ERC/CNRS)


    • CAPDEQUI-PEYRANÈRE Michel (U. Montpellier)
    • GRANGÉ Pierre (CNRS)
    • NARISON Stephan (CNRS)
  • Visitors
    • SANDICK Pearl, Pr. (U. of Utah) → Dec. 31, 2024
  • Former members of the team
    • ABUH-AJAMIEH Fayez (PD OCEVU) → (2019)
    • ARDU Marco (PhD st., CNRS/IN2P3) -> IFIC Valencia (PD, 2023)
    • DAVIDSON Sacha (CNRS) -> IP2I-Lyon (11/2024)
    • DESAI Nishita (PD OCEVU) → Tata Institute (2018)
    • FACCHINETTI Gaétan (PhD st., ENS & U. Montpellier)  → ULB-Brussels (PD, 2021)
    • FRANCO ABELLAN Guillermo (PhD st., U. Montpellier) -> GRAPPA Amsterdam (PD, 2022)
    • LACROIX Thomas (PD CNRS) → IFT-Madrid (PD, 2019)
    • MURGIA Riccardo (PD CNRS)
    • PETAC Mihael (PD, ANR-GaDaMa)
    • PLOMBAT Hugo (PhD st., U. Montpellier) -> U. Madison (PD)
    • RENARD Fernand (CNRS) → retired (2019)
    • RUFFAULT Ronan (PhD st., U. Montpellier) → high-school teacher (2018)
    • SCARCELLA Francesca (PD, ANR-GaDaMa)
    • STREF Martin (PhD & ATER U. Montpellier) → LAPTh-Annecy (PD, 2019)

Link to the shared seminar agenda of the PACT (LUPM) and TIF (L2C) groups:

Link to the TIF-L2C group webpage:



Team publications









Team members

Team publications

Research topics