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  • Monitoring the large-scale magnetic field of AD Leo with SPIRou, ESPaDOnS and Narval. Toward a magnetic polarity reversal?

    Bellotti S., Morin J., Lehmann L. T. , Folsom C. P. , Hussain G. A. J. , Petit P. search by orcid , Donati J. F. , Lavail A. , Carmona A. , Martioli E. , Romano Zaire B. , Alecian E. , Moutou C. , Fouque P. , Alencar S. , Artigau E. , Boisse I. , Bouchy F. , Cadieux C. , Cloutier R. , Cook N. , Delfosse X. , Doyon R. , Hebrard G. , Kochukhov O. , Wade G.
    2023, A&A, in press [arXiv:2307.01016]
  • Mitigating stellar activity jitter with different line lists for least-squares deconvolution. Analysis of a parametric and a randomised line selection

    Bellotti S., Petit P., Morin J., Hussain G.A.J., Folsom C.P., Carmona A. , Delfosse X. , Moutou C.
    2021, A&A, 657, 107 [arXiv:2110.10633]
  • Slingshot prominences: a hidden mass loss mechanism

    Waugh R.F.P., Jardine M.M., Morin J., Donati J. -F.
    2021, MNRAS, 505, 5104 [arXiv:2106.05772]
  • Impact of a companion and of chromospheric emission on the shape of chromosome maps for globular clusters

    Martins F., Morin J., Charbonnel C., Lardo C., Chantereau W.
    2020, A&A, 635, 52 [arXiv:2001.07581]
  • Characterizing stellar parameters from high-resolution spectra of main sequence cool stars. I. The G2V-K2V stars

    Kulenthirarajah L., Donati, J.-F., Hussain G.A.J, Morin J., Allard F.
    2019, MNRAS, 487, 1335
  • SPIRou input catalogue: activity, rotation and magnetic field of cool dwarfs

    Moutou C., Hébrard E. M., Morin J., Malo L., Fouqué P., Torres-Rivas A., Martioli E., Delfosse X., Artigau E., Doyon R.
    2017, MNRAS, 472, 4563 [arXiv:1709.01650]
  • Strong dipole magnetic fields in fast rotating fully convective stars

    Shulyak D., Reiners A., Engeln A., Malo L., Yadav R., Morin J., Kochukhov O.
    2017, Nature Astronomy, 1, 184
  • Measuring surface magnetic fields of red supergiant stars

    Tessore B., Lèbre A., Morin J., Mathias P., Josselin E., Aurière M.
    2017, A&A, 603, 129 [arXiv:1704.07761]
  • A solar-like magnetic cycle on the mature K-dwarf 61 Cygni A (HD 201091)

    Boro Saikia S., Jeffers S. V., Morin J., Petit P., Folsom C. P., Marsden S. C., Donati J.-F., Cameron R., Hall J. C., Perdelwitz V., Reiners A. and Vidotto A. A.
    2016, A&A, 594, A29, [arXiv:1606.01032]
  • A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri

    Anglada-Escudé G., Amado P.J., Barnes J., Berdiñas Z.M., Butler R.P., Coleman G.A.L., de la Cueva I., Dreizler S., Endl M., Giesers B., Jeffers S.V., Jenkins J.S., Jones H.R.A. , Kiraga M., Kürster M., López-González M.J., Marvin C.J., Morales N., Morin J., Nelson R.P., Ortiz J.L., Ofir A., Paardekooper S.-J., Reiners A., Rodrı́guez E., Rodriguez-Lopez C., Sarmiento L.F. , J.P. Strachan, Tsapras Y., Tuomi M., Zechmeister M.
    2016, Nature, 536, 437, [arXiv:1609.03449], eso1629a.pdf
  • Explaining the coexistence of large-scale and small-scale magnetic fields in fully convective stars

    Yadav R.K., Christensen U.R., Morin J., Gastine T., Reiners A., Poppenhaeger K., Wolk S.J.
    2015, ApJL, 813, 31, [arXiv:1510.05541]
  • Modelling the Hidden Magnetic Field of Low-Mass Stars

    Lang P., Jardine M., Morin J., Donati J.-F., Jeffers S., Vidotto A.A., Fares R.
    2014, MNRAS, 439, 2122, [arXiv:1401.4545]
  • M-dwarf stellar winds: the effects of realistic magnetic geometry on rotational evolution and planets

    Vidotto A.A., Jardine M., Morin J., Donati J.-F., Opher M., Gombosi T.I.
    2014, MNRAS, 438, 1162, [arXiv:1311.5063]
  • From solar-like to anti-solar differential rotation in cool stars

    Gastine T., Yadav R.K., Morin J., Reiners A., Wicht J.
    2014, MNRAS, 438L, 76, [arXiv:1311.3047]
  • The effects of M dwarf magnetic fields on potentially habitable planets

    Vidotto A., Jardine M., Morin J., Donati J.-F., Lang P., Russell A.
    2013, A&A, 557, A67, [arXiv:1306.4789]
  • What controls the magnetic geometry of M dwarfs?

    Gastine T., Morin J., Duarte, L., Reiners, A., Christensen, U.R., Wicht, J.
    2013, A&A, 549L, 5, [arXiv:1212.0136]
  • Can we predict the global magnetic topology of a pre-main sequence star from its position in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram?

    Gregory S. G., Donati J.-F., Morin J., Hussain G., Mayne N., Hillenbrand L., Jardine M.
    2012, ApJ, 755, 97, [arXiv:1206.5238]
  • Weak and Strong Field Dynamos: from the Earth to the stars

    Morin J., Dormy E., Schrinner M., Donati J.-F.
    2011, MNRAS, 418L, 133, [arXiv:1106.4263]
  • Large-scale magnetic topologies of late M dwarfs

    Morin J., Donati J.-F., Petit P., Delfosse X., Forveille T., Jardine M. M.
    2010, MNRAS, 407, 2269, [arXiv:1005.5552], [Vizier:J/MNRAS/407/2269]
  • Large-scale magnetic topologies of mid M dwarfs

    Morin J., Donati J.-F., Petit P., Delfosse X., Forveille T., Albert L., Aurière M., Cabanac R., Dintrans B., Fares R., Gastine T., Jardine M. M., Lignieres F., Paletou F., Ramirez Velez J. C., Theado S.
    2008, MNRAS, 390, 567, [arXiv:0808.1423], [Vizier:J/MNRAS/390/567]
  • Large-scale magnetic topologies of early M dwarfs

    Donati J.-F, Morin J., Petit P., Delfosse X., Forveille T., Aurière M., Cabanac R., Dintrans B., Fares R., Gastine T., Jardine M. M., Lignieres F., Paletou F., Ramirez Velez J., Theado S.
    2008, MNRAS, 390, 545, [arXiv:0809.0269], [Vizier:J/MNRAS/390/545]
  • The stable magnetic field of the fully convective star V374 Peg

    Morin J., Donati J.-F., Forveille T., Delfosse X., Dobler W., Petit P., Jardine M. M., Cameron A. C., Albert L., Manset N., Dintrans B., Chabrier G., Valenti J. A.
    2008, MNRAS, 384, 77, [arXiv:0711.1418]
  • Strong dipole magnetic fields in fast rotating fully convective stars

    Shulyak D., Reiners A., Engeln A., Malo L., Yadav R., Morin J., Kochukhov O.
    2017, Nature Astronomy, 1, 184
  • A solar-like magnetic cycle on the mature K-dwarf 61 Cygni A (HD 201091)

    Boro Saikia S., Jeffers S. V., Morin J., Petit P., Folsom C. P., Marsden S. C., Donati J.-F., Cameron R., Hall J. C., Perdelwitz V., Reiners A. and Vidotto A. A.
    2016, A&A, 594, A29, [arXiv:1606.01032]
  • A terrestrial planet candidate in a temperate orbit around Proxima Centauri

    Anglada-Escudé G., Amado P.J., Barnes J., Berdiñas Z.M., Butler R.P., Coleman G.A.L., de la Cueva I., Dreizler S., Endl M., Giesers B., Jeffers S.V., Jenkins J.S., Jones H.R.A. , Kiraga M., Kürster M., López-González M.J., Marvin C.J., Morales N., Morin J., Nelson R.P., Ortiz J.L., Ofir A., Paardekooper S.-J., Reiners A., Rodrı́guez E., Rodriguez-Lopez C., Sarmiento L.F. , J.P. Strachan, Tsapras Y., Tuomi M., Zechmeister M.
    2016, Nature, 536, 437, [arXiv:1609.03449], eso1629a.pdf
    • Planet Found in Habitable Zone Around Nearest Star ESO
    • Earth-sized planet around nearby star is astronomy dream come true Nature
    • New Earth-like planet found around nearest star QMUL
    • Au plus près de nous, une exoplanète rocheuse potentiellement habitable CNRS
    • Au plus près de nous, une exoplanète rocheuse potentiellement habitable LUPM
  • Magnetic Field and Wind of Kappa Ceti:
    Toward the Planetary Habitability of the Young Sun When Life Arose on Earth

    do Nascimento J.-D. Jr., Vidotto A. A., Petit P., Folsom C., Castro M., Marsden S. C., Morin J., Porto de Mello G. F., Meibom S., Jeffers S. V., Guinan E., Ribas I.
    2016, ApJL, 820, 15, [arXiv:1603.03937]
    • Young Sun-like Star Shows a Magnetic Field Was Critical for Life on the Early Earth CfA Harvard
    • Un Soleil jeune montre qu’un champ magnétique a été un ingrédient critique au développement de la vie sur Terre CNRS/INSU
    • Un Soleil jeune montre qu’un champ magnétique a été un ingrédient critique pour le développement de la vie sur Terre LUPM
  • Magnetic activity and hot Jupiters of young Suns: the weak-line T Tauri stars V819 Tau and V830 Tau

    Donati J.-F., Hébrard E., Hussain G., Moutou C., Malo L., Grankin K., Vidotto A.A., Alencar S.H.P., Gregory S.G., Jardine M.M., Herczeg G., Morin J., Fares R., Ménard F., Bouvier J., Delfosse X., Doyon R., Takami M., Figueira P., Petit P., Boisse I. and the MaTYSSE collaboration
    2015, MNRAS, 453, 3706, [arXiv:1509.02110]
    • Planètes : les « Jupiters chauds » se seraient formés très rapidement CNRS
    • Hot Jupiters courting baby stars? CFHT
    • Des Jupiters chauds dans les pouponnières stellaires ? LUPM
  • Two planets around Kapteyn's star: a cold and a temperate super-Earth orbiting the nearest halo red dwarf

    Anglada-Escudé G., Arriagada P., Tuomi M., Zechmeister M., Jenkins J. S., Ofir A., Dreizler S., Gerlach E., Marvin C. J., Reiners A., Jeffers S. V., Butler R. P., Vogt S. S., Amado P. J., Rodríguez-López C., Berdiñas Z. M., Morin J., Crane J. D., Shectman S. A., Thompson I. B., Díaz M., Rivera E., Sarmiento L. F., Jones H. R. A.
    2014 MNRAS 443L 89, [arXiv:1406.0818]
    • Ancient worlds around Kapteyn's star QUML
    • Des mondes anciens en orbite autour de l'étoile de Kapteyn CNRS/INSU
  • Title: Dynamo processes in fully convective stars
  • Laboratory: Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT)
  • University: Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III
  • Supervisors: J.F. Donati and B. Dintrans
  • Defended: 1st December 2009
  • Manuscript (in french): TEL open archive