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This page gathers a few useful ressources for computing.



Where to start?

Among the resources listed below, it is advised to start withe part I of the euroscipy lecture notes entitled "Getting started with Python for science". Then it may be of interest to go to STScI's data analysis tutorial which is more specific to observational astrophysics.

Python Install

In order to setup a scientific Python work environment several parts are necessary: Python 2, the generalist science libraries (NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib), and the astrophysics-specific libraries (for instance astropy). It is also useful to have the IPython interactive shell as well as an advanced editor (Vim, Emacs) configured for Python and/or an IDE (Eric, Spyder, eclipse with PyDev).

Scientific Python Tutorials

Python documentation

Scientific Python documentation

Python books

Ressources for IDL users