HOW TO USE NMSSMTOOLS: After the download of NMSSMTools_x.tgz (where x is the version number), type "tar zxvf NMSSMTools_x.tgz". This will create a directory named NMSSMTools_x. Go into this directory. There you find the directories -- "sources" and "main" which contain source files; -- "EXPCON", which contains data files corresponding to experimental constraints; -- "SAMPLES", which contains sample input and output files; -- "micromegas", which contains micrOMEGAs v5.3; -- "smodels", which contains smodels v2.3; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% COMPILATION: To compile, type first "make init", then "make". A first compilation takes a while, since many subroutines of micrOMEGAs and SmodelS are compiled. The following executable routines are created in the directory "main": nmhdecay, nmhdecay_rand, nmhdecay_grid, nmhdecay_mcmc, nmspec, nmspec_rand, nmspec_grid, nmspec_mcmc, nmgmsb, nmgmsb_rand, nmspec_grid, nmspec_mcmc, nmhdecayCPV, nmhdecayCPV_rand, nmhdecayCPV_grid, nmhdecayCPV_mcmc. If a subroutine in the directory "sources" was modified, one has to type "make init" and "make" again. If a routine in the directory "main" was modified, it suffices to type "make" again. To delete all the already compiled codes type "make clean". %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INPUT FILES: From the version 2.0.0 onwards, the task to be performed by an input file is independent from its name. Any name is allowed, provided it contains the three letters "inp"; it can be of the general form PREFIXinpSUFFIX where PREFIX and SUFFIX can contain dots etc.. The input file can be located in any directory specified by a PATH. To run any input file PREFIXinpSUFFIX, type "run PATH/PREFIXinpSUFFIX". (PATH is optional; if absent, the input file has to be located in the same directory as the script file "run".) The output files are located in the directory specified by PATH. They have the following format: If one single point in the parameter space is evaluated: PREFIXspectrSUFFIX (includes the previous PREFIXdecaySUFFIX) and PREFIXomegaSUFFIX (if micrOMEGAs is called, see below) PREFIXsmodelsSUFFIX (if the SmodelS is called, see below) If scans are performed: PREFIXerrSUFFIX as well as PREFIXoutSUFFIX However, the task to be performed by an input file must be specified in the BLOCK MODSEL at the beginning (see the SLHA2 conventions in B. Allanach et al., SUSY Les Houches Accord 2, arXiv:0801.0045 [hep-ph]). The BLOCK MODSEL should contain at least the first four among the following lines: BLOCK MODSEL 3 1 # NMSSM PARTICLE CONTENT 1 I0 # IMOD (0=general NMSSM, 1=SUGRA, 2=GMSB # 3=Z3 inv NMSSM, 4=Z3 inv SUGRA, 5=Z3 inv GMSB) 5 I1 # CPV (0=no, 2=yes) 10 I2 # ISCAN (0=no scan, 1=grid scan, 2=random scan, 3=MCMC) 9 I3 # |OMGFLAG|=0: no (default and CPV), =1: relic density only, # =2: dir. det. rate, =3: indir. det. rate, =4: both, # OMGFLAG>0: 0.107 VV,VV* (default); 1: H->VV,VV*,V*V* 15 I9 # Precision for micromegas (defalt=0): # +0/1: fast computation on/off # +0/2: Beps=1d-3, 1d-6 # +0/4: virtual Ws off/on 16 I10 # 0: Output contains privately defined BLOCK's (default) # 1: Restricts the output to BLOCK's defined by SLHA1/2 # (useful as param_card.dat for MadGraph) 17 I11 # Theoretical constraints (1=yes, 0=no, default=1) 18 I12 # LEP/Tevatron constraints(1=yes, 0=no, default=1) 19 I13 # LHC Higgs constraints (1=yes, 0=no, default=1) 20 I14 # Flavor constraints (1=yes, 0=no, default=1) 21 I15 # EDM constraints, for CPV NMSSM only (1=yes, 0=no, default=1) 22 I16 # CMS charg(neutral)ino constraints (1=yes, 0=no, default and CPV=0) 23 I17 # Delta_MW (=-1 computed, 1=computed and contraints checked, # 0=not computed, default and CPV=0) 24 I18 # LHC SUSY constraints (0=no constraint, -1=sparticle masses > 1 TeV, # 1=contraints via SmodelS, 2=SmodelS + additional slepton constraints, # default and CPV=0) The meaning of the integers I1..I10 is as follows: I0=0: general NMSSM with parameters specified at the SUSY breaking scale (an average of the squark masses, unless specified by the user). As in the previous versions of NMSSMTools, the input parameters have to be given in the BLOCK EXTPAR following the SLHA2 conventions. Z_3 violating terms are allowed. See the example in SAMPLES/inp.dat. I0=1: mSUGRA-like boundary conditions at the GUT scale with universal scalar masses m0, gaugino masses M12 and trilinear couplings A0 (to be specified in the BLOCK MINPAR). Z_3 violating terms are allowed. See the example in SAMPLES/inpsp.dat. I0=2: GMSB-like boundary conditions as in the paper U. Ellwanger et al., arXiv:0803.2962 [hep-ph]. Z_3 violating terms are allowed See the example in SAMPLES/inpgm.dat. I0=3: Z_3 invariant NMSSM with parameters specified at the SUSY breaking scale (an average of the squark masses, unless specified by the user). As in the previous versions of NMSSMTools, the input parameters have to be given in the BLOCK EXTPAR following the SLHA2 conventions. Z_3 violating terms as input generate an error message. See the example in SAMPLES/inpZ3.dat. I0=4: Z_3 invariant mSUGRA-like boundary conditions at the GUT scale with universalscalar masses m0, gaugino masses M12 and trilinear couplings A0 (to be specified in the BLOCK MINPAR). Z_3 violating terms as input generate an error message. See the example in SAMPLES/inpsp.dat. I0=5: Z_3 invariant GMSB-like boundary conditions. Z_3 violating terms as input generate an error message. I1=0: CP conserving parameters I1=2: CP violating parameters I2=1: A scan over a grid in parameter space is performed. The boundaries in parameter space as well as the corresponding numbers of steps have to be specified. For possible scans in the general NMSSM see the example SAMPLES/gridinp.dat. For possible scans with mSUGRA-like boundary conditions see the example SAMPLES/gridinpsp.dat. For possible scans with GMSB-like boundary conditions see the example SAMPLES/gridinpgm.dat The output file PREFIXerrSUFFIX gives the number of points which have passed all constraints, and the corresponding range of input parameters. The output file PREFIXoutSUFFIX contains details of points which have passed constraints; the latter can be modified by the user by editing the corresponding routines in the directory "main": The output file PREFIXoutSUFFIX is created in the subroutine OUTPUT near the end of the file nmhdecay_grid.f (general NMSSM), or nmspec_grid.f (mSUGRA) or nmgmsb_grid.f (GMSB). If the first line in the subroutine OUTPUT reads "IF(IFAIL.EQ.0)THEN", properties of points with phenomenological problems are not written into PREFIXoutSUFFIX. If this line reads "IF(IFAIL.EQ.0 .OR. IFAIL.EQ.10)THEN", points with phenomenological problems are written as well. The properties which are listed in PREFIXoutSUFFIX depend on the content of the array RES and should be specified by the user. The meaning of the various arrays containing Higgs and sparticle masses and mixing angles, Higgs branching ratios is given at the beginning of the file nmhdecay_grid.f (general NMSSM), nmspec_grid.f (mSUGRA) or nmspec_grid.f (GMSB). For convenience, we list the content of the array PAR(I) (the couplings and soft terms at the SUSY scale) as well as the content of the array PROB(I) (phenomenological and some theoretical constraints) below. I2=2: A random scan in parameter space is performed. The boundaries in parameter space as well as the total number of steps have to be specified. For possible scans in the general NMSSM see the example SAMPLES/randinp.dat. For possible scans with mSUGRA-like boundary conditions see the example SAMPLES/randinpsp.dat. For possible scans with GMSB-like boundary conditions see the example SAMPLES/randinpgm.dat For the content of the output files PREFIXerrSUFFIX and PREFIXoutSUFFIX (and the treatment of the latter) see the description of the case I2=1 above; the corresponding MAIN routines for random scans in the directory "main" are denoted by nmhdecay_rand.f, nmspec_rand.f and nmgmsb_rand.f. I2=3: A Markov Chain Monte Carlo scan in parameter space is performed. The relative and the minimum size of each step for all parameters and the total number of steps have to be specified. For possible scans in the general NMSSM see the example SAMPLES/mcmcinp.dat. For possible scans with mSUGRA-like boundary conditions see the example SAMPLES/mcmcinpsp.dat. For possible scans with GMSB-like boundary conditions see the examples SAMPLES/mcmcinpgm.dat. For the content of the output files PREFIXerrSUFFIX and PREFIXoutSUFFIX (and the treatment of the latter) see the description of the case I2=1 above; the corresponding MAIN routine for a MCMC scans in the directory "main" are denoted by nmhdecay_mcmc.f, nmspec_mcmc.f and nmgmsb_mcmc.f. I3=0: The dark matter relic density is not computed (default value). |I3|=1: The dark matter relic density is computed and checked via a call of micromegas. A first call of micromegas provokes the compilation of additional subroutines, which may take a while. For GMSB models, only the non-thermal relic density of the gravitino (coming from NLSP to gravitino decay) is computed, i.e. micromegas computes the NLSP relic density and multiplies the result by the mass ratio of gravitino over NLSP. In the case of a single point in parameter space (I2=0), the relic density Omega*h^2 is given in the output files PREFIXspectrSUFFIX as well as PREFIXomegaSUFFIX. The latter contains in addition informations on the decomposition of the LSP and the relevant annihilation/coannihilation processes. The names of particles in the final states of the annihilation and coannihilation processes are the same as in micrOMEGAS and can be found in: G. Belanger, F. Boudjema, A. Pukhov and A. Semenov, micrOMEGAs: A program for calculating the relic density in the MSSM, Comput. Phys. Commun. 149 (2002) 103 [arXiv:hep-ph/0112278]. If I3>0, constraints on relic density from Planck +/- 10% are checked: 0.107 < Omega h^2 < 0.131 If I3<0, only the upper bound is imposed: Omega h^2 < 0.131 |I3|=2: Same as I3=1 + direct detection cross sections are computed. In the case of a single point in parameter space (I2=0), the BLOCK NDMCROSSSECT in PREFIXomegaSUFFIX contains: csPsi = proton spin-independent cross section in [pb] csNsi = neutron spin-independent cross section in [pb] csPsd = proton spin-dependent cross section in [pb] csNsd = neutron spin-dependent cross section in [pb] The published upper limits sigma_0 on the direct detection cross sections sigma_DD assume a relic density given by the observed value O_obs. For I3<0, we allow for a relic density O_comp (computed by micromegas) from the LSP smaller than O_obs, assuming additional contributions to O_obs from some hidden sector. Then, the upper limits on the direct detection cross sections should be given by sigma_0*O_obs/O_comp. However, we assume an uncertainty of 10% on the relic density O_comp computed by micromegas. Allowing for this uncertainty, the upper limits on the direct detection cross sections become sigma_0*O_obs/O_comp*1.1. For I3>0, we assume that the relic density is given by the observed value O_obs, and the published upper limits sigma_0 on the direct detection cross sections sigma_DD are used. Hence, for a given set of parameters, the upper limits on the direct detection cross sections are different for I3<0 w.r.t. I3>0. |I3|=3: Same as |I3|=1 + the thermally averaged LSP annihilation cross section as well as the resulting photon spectrum are computed. In the case of a single point in parameter space (I2=0), these are written in the BLOCK ANNIHILATION of PREFIXomegaSUFFIX: sigmaV = LSP annihilation cross section. |I3|=4: Same as |I3|=2+3. I3=/=0: not for CPV version (I1=/=2). I4=0: Precision of the CP-even/odd/charged Higgs masses: 1-loop: complete contributions ~ top/bottom Yukawas contributions ~ g1, g2, lambda and kappa to LLA 2-loop: top/bottom Yukawa contributions to LLA I4=1: as in G. Degrassi, P. Slavich, Nucl.Phys.B825:119-150,2010, arXiv:0907.4682 (with special thanks to P. Slavich); corrections to the charged Higgs mass from K.H.Phan and P. Slavich: 1-loop: complete contributions ~ top/bottom Yukawas complete contributions ~g1, g2, lambda and kappa (except for pole masses) 2-loop: complete contributions ~ top/bottom Yukawas*alpha_S I4=2: 1-loop: complete contributions ~ top/bottom Yukawas complete contributions ~g1, g2, lambda and kappa including pole masses 2-loop: complete contributions ~ top/bottom Yukawas*alpha_S (default value) I4=1,2: for Z_3 invariant NMSSM only (I0>2). I4=3: same as I4=0 + computation of Higgs mass uncertainty by varying the RG scale by *2 and /2. I4=4: same as I4=1 + computation of Higgs mass uncertainty by varying the RG scale by *2 and /2. I4=5: same as I4=2 + computation of Higgs mass uncertainty by varying the RG scale by *2 and /2. I4=6: same as I4=3 + check that uncertainty is < 3 GeV. I4=7: same as I4=4 + check that uncertainty is < 3 GeV. I4=8: same as I4=5 + check that uncertainty is < 3 GeV. I4>2: for general NMSSM at the SUSY scale only (I0=1,3). I5=-1: (g-2)_muon is computed (for scanning versions only: I2=/=0). I5=1: (g-2)_muon is computed and experimental constraints are imposed (default value). I5=0: (g-2)_muon is not computed (for scanning versions only: I2=/=0). I6=0: no particular GMSB model assumed above the messenger scale MS and Alambda can be given as free input parameters at MMESS I6=1,3: Delgado/Giudice/Slavich model (from arXiv:0706.3873[hep-ph]) with unified singlet-messenger coupling at the GUT scale xi_U The value of xi_U is given in BLOCK EXTPAR, switch 73 I6=2,4: Delgado/Giudice/Slavich model without universality with a triplet coupling LTT and a doublet coupling LPP given at the messenger scale in BLOCK EXTPAR, switches 74, 75 I6=1,2: Evans/Ibe/Yanagida model (from arXiv:1107.3006[hep-ph]) without messenger-Higgs mixing. The parameters LU, LD, LT LB, LL are given at MMESS in BLOCK EXTPAR, switches 76 to 80. I6=1,2: Evans/Ibe/Yanagida model with messenger-Higgs mixing. LT, LB are given at MMESS in BLOCK EXTPAR, switches 78, 79. The others are given by LD=L*LT/HT, LU=L*LB/HB, LL=HL*LB/HB If I6=/=0: ALAMBDA cannot be given at MMESS as it is related to the extra messenger couplings above MMESS. XIF=XIS=MU'=MS'^2=0. KAPPA and MUEFF and MS are computed from the minimisation eqs. On the other hand MS is also related to the extra couplings. DMIN, the maximal relative deviation allowed between the computed and expected value for MS, has to be given in BLOCK EXTPAR (switch 0). If the deviation is larger than DMIN then: IFAIL=21 (if previously = 0) IFAIL=22 (if previously = 10). I7=0: Sparticle total widths and branching ratios not computed (default value). I7=1: NMSDECAY is called, which computes sparticle 2-body and 3-body branching ratios as in SDECAY: A Fortran code for the decays of the supersymmetric particles in the MSSM by M. Muhlleitner (Karlsruhe, Inst. Technol.), A. Djouadi (Orsay, LPT & CERN, Theory Division), Y. Mambrini (Orsay, LPT), Comput.Phys.Commun.168:46-70 (2005), hep-ph/0311167. SDECAY should be cited whenever NMSDECAY is used. In NMSDECAY.f in the directory sources, the flags "flagmulti" (3-body decays) "flagqcd" (QCD corrections to 2-body decays) "flagloop" (loop decays) can be switched off; otherwise a call of NMSDECAY takes about 2-3 seconds per point in parameter space. In the versions nmhdecay.f and nmspec.f, the sparticle widths and BR's are appended to the output file PREFIXspectrSUFFIX in SLHA2 format. If scans are performed, the user can use the arguments of the COMMON statements in the subroutines OUTPUT in order to define the content of the output file. Not for CPV models (I1=/=2). I8=0: No double-offshell H->V*V* decays (default, faster) I8=1: Double-offshell H->V*V* decays (slower) I9=0+0/1: micromegas fast computation of resonances on/off +0/2: minimal Boltzman suppression for coannihilation = 1d-3/1d-6 +0/4: virtual Ws off/on default=0 I10=1: The name of the output file PREFIXspectrSUFFIX remains unchanged, but it can be renamed as param_card.dat, useful for MadGraph. At least for the version MG5_aMC_v2_2_3 the following procedure seems to work: 1) Place a proc_card.dat in the directory MG5_aMC_v2_2_3. The proc_card.dat should contain a line "import model nmssm", possibly adding "-modelname" (which changes the syntax for Higgs bosons into h01, h02, h03, a01, a02). Generate the process typing "./bin/mg5aMC proc_card.dat". This generates a directory "PROC_nmssm_x" where "x" is a number. 2) Go into this directory. Replace the (default) param_card.dat in the subdirectory "Cards" by your desired param_card.dat. Edit the run_card.dat if desired. 3) Generate events typing "./bin/generate_events" and reply to the subsequent questions as desired. Inside the directory "PROC_nmssm_x", this procedure can be repeated with different cards. Good luck! I11=1: Landau poles and false minima constraints are imposed (default value and CPV models). I11=0: They are not imposed (for scanning versions only: I2=/=0). I12=1: LEP/Tevatron Higgs+sparticle constraints are imposed (default value). I12=0: They are not imposed (for scanning versions only: I2=/=0). I13=1: LHC Higgs constraints are imposed (default value and CPV version). I13=0: They are not imposed (for scanning versions only: I2=/=0). I14=1: Upsilon, B and K decay constraints are imposed (default value). I14=0: They are not imposed (for scanning versions only: I2=/=0). I15=1: EDM constraints are imposed (default value). I15=0: They are not imposed (for CPV models and scanning versions: I1=2, I2=/=0). I16=1: CMS charg(neutral)ino constraints from arXiv:1801.03957[hep-ex] are imposed. I16=0: They are not imposed (default value and GMSB/CPV models). I17=-1: Delta_MW is computed. I17=1: Delta_MW is computed and experimental constraints are imposed. I17=0: Delta_MW is not computed (default value and CPV models). I18=0: LHC SUSY constraints are not imposed (default value and CPV models). I18=-1: Sparticle masses below 1 TeV are excluded. I18=1: LHC SUSY constraints via SmodelS are imposed. I18=2: same as 1 + additional sletpton constraints from ATLAS. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INPUT/OUTPUT parameters *************************************************************************************** CP conserving case *************************************************************************************** Content of the array PAR (parameters at the SUSY scale): PAR(1) = lambda PAR(2) = kappa PAR(3) = tan(beta) PAR(4) = mu (effective mu term = lambda*s) PAR(5) = Alambda (if MA is not an input) PAR(6) = Akappa PAR(7) = mQ3**2 PAR(8) = mU3**2 PAR(9) = mD3**2 PAR(10) = mL3**2 PAR(11) = mE3**2 PAR(12) = AU3 PAR(13) = AD3 PAR(14) = AE3 PAR(15) = mQ2**2 PAR(16) = mU2**2 PAR(17) = mD2**2 PAR(18) = mL2**2 PAR(19) = mE2**2 PAR(20) = M1 PAR(21) = M2 PAR(22) = M3 PAR(23) = MA (diagonal doublet CP-odd mass matrix element) PAR(24) = MP (diagonal singlet CP-odd mass matrix element) PAR(25) = AE2 Output parameters: SMASS(1-3): CP-even masses (ordered) SCOMP(1-3,1-3): Mixing angles: if HB(I) are the bare states, HB(I) = Re(H1), Re(H2), Re(S), and HM(I) are the mass eigenstates, the convention is HB(I) = SUM_(J=1,3) SCOMP(J,I)*HM(J) which is equivalent to HM(I) = SUM_(J=1,3) SCOMP(I,J)*HB(J) AMASS(1-2): CP-odd masses (ordered) PCOMP(1-2,1-2): Mixing angles: if AB(I) are the bare states, AB(I) = Im(H1), Im(H2), Im(S), and AM(I) are the mass eigenstates, the convention is AM(I) = PCOMP(I,1)*(COSBETA*AB(1)+SINBETA*AB(2)) + PCOMP(I,2)*AB(3) CMASS: Charged Higgs mass CU,CD,CV,CJ,CG(i) Reduced couplings of h1,h2,h3 (i=1,2,3) or a1,a2 (i=4,5) to up type fermions, down type fermions, gauge bosons, gluons and photons Note: CV(4)=CV(5)=0 CB(I) Reduced couplings of h1,h2,h3 (i=1,2,3) or a1,a2 (i=4,5) to b-quarks including DELMB corrections WIDTH(i) Total decay width of h1,h2,h3,a1,a2 (i=1..5) with the following branching ratios: BRJJ(i) h1,h2,h3,a1,a2 -> gluon gluon BRMM(i) " -> mu mu BRLL(i) " -> tau tau BRSS(i) " -> ss BRCC(i) " -> cc BRBB(i) " -> bb BRTT(i) " -> tt BRWW(i) " -> WW (BRWW(4)=BRWW(5)=0) BRZZ(i) " -> ZZ (BRZZ(4)=BRZZ(5)=0) BRGG(i) " -> gamma gamma BRZG(i) " -> Z gamma BRHIGGS(i) (i=1..5) -> other Higgses, including: BRHAA(i,j) hi -> a1a1, a1a2, a2a2 (i=1..3, j=1..3) BRHCHC(i) hi -> h+h- (i=1..3) BRHAZ(i,j) hi -> Zaj (i=1..3) BRHCW(i) h1,h2,h3 -> h+W- (i=1..3), a1,a2 -> h+W- (i=4,5) BRHHH(i) h2 -> h1h1, h3-> h1h1, h1h2, h2h2 (i=1..4) BRAHA(i) a2 -> a1hi (i=1..3) BRAHZ(i,j) ai -> Zhj (i=1,2, j=1..3) BRSUSY(i) (i=1..5) -> susy particles, including: BRNEU(i,j,k) -> neutralinos j,k (i=1..5, j,k=1..5) BRCHA(i,j) -> charginos 11, 12, 22 (i=1..5, j=1..3) BRHSQ(i,j) hi -> uLuL, uRuR, dLdL, dRdR, t1t1, t2t2, t1t2, b1b1, b2b2, b1b2 (i=1..3, j=1..10) BRASQ(i,j) ai -> t1t2, b1b2 (i=1,2, j=1,2) BRHSL(i,j) hi -> lLlL, lRlR, nLnL, l1l1, l2l2, l1l2, ntnt (i=1..3, j=1..7) BRASL(i) ai -> l1l2 (i=1,2) HCWIDTH Total decay width of the charged Higgs with the following branching ratios: HCBRM h+ -> mu nu_mu HCBRL " -> tau nu_tau HCBRSU " -> s u HCBRBU " -> b u HCBRSC " -> s c HCBRBC " -> b c HCBRBT " -> b t HCBRWHT " -> neutral Higgs W+, including: HCBRWH(i) " -> H1W+, H2W+, h3W+, a1W+, a2W+ (i=1..5) HCBRSUSY " -> susy particles,including HCBRNC(i,j) " -> neutralino i chargino j (i=1..5, j=1,2) HCBRSQ(i) " -> uLdL, t1b1, t1b2, t2b1, t2b2 (i=1..5) HCBRSL(i) " -> lLnL, t1nt, t2nt (i=1..3) MNEU(i) Mass of neutralino chi_i (i=1,5, ordered in mass) NEU(i,j) chi_i components of bino, wino, higgsino u&d, singlino (i,j=1..5) MCHA(i) Chargino masses U(i,j),V(i,j) Chargino mixing matrices *************************************************************************************** CP violating case *************************************************************************************** Content of the arrays REALP, IMAGP, PAR, MYPHASES (parameters at the SUSY scale): REALP(1) = Re(lambda) REALP(2) = Re(kappa) REALP(3) = Re(M1) REALP(4) = Re(M2) REALP(5) = Re(M3) REALP(6) = Re(AU3) REALP(7) = Re(AD3) REALP(8) = Re(AE3) REALP(9) = Re(XIF) REALP(10) = Re(XIS) REALP(11) = Re(MUP) REALP(12) = Re(MSP) REALP(13) = Re(M3H) REALP(14) = Re(MUEFF) IMAGP(1) = Im(lambda) IMAGP(2) = Im(kappa) IMAGP(3) = Im(M1) IMAGP(4) = Im(M2) IMAGP(5) = Im(M3) IMAGP(6) = Im(AU3) IMAGP(7) = Im(AD3) IMAGP(8) = Im(AE3) IMAGP(9) = Im(XIF) IMAGP(10) = Im(XIS) IMAGP(11) = Im(MUP) IMAGP(12) = Im(MSP) IMAGP(13) = Im(M3H) [ IMAGP(14) = Im(MUEFF) -> aligned with lambda = REALP(14)*IMAGP(1)/REALP(1) ] [ PAR(1) = |lambda| -> Sqrt( REALP(1)**2 + IMAGP(1)**2 ) ] [ PAR(2) = sgn(Re(kappa)).|kappa| -> sgn(REALP(2)).Sqrt( REALP(2)**2 + IMAGP(2)**2 ) ] PAR(3) = tan(beta) [ PAR(4) = sgn(Re(mueff)).|mueff| -> aligned with lambda = REALP(14)*PAR(1)/REALP(1) ] PAR(5) = Re(Alambda) (if (MA,XIF) is not an input) PAR(6) = Re(Akappa) (if (MP,XIS) is not an input) PAR(7) = mQ3**2 PAR(8) = mU3**2 PAR(9) = mD3**2 PAR(10) = mL3**2 PAR(11) = mE3**2 PAR(12) = AU3 PAR(13) = AD3 PAR(14) = AE3 PAR(15) = mQ2**2 PAR(16) = mU2**2 PAR(17) = mD2**2 PAR(18) = mL2**2 PAR(19) = mE2**2 [ PAR(20) = sgn(Re(M1)).|M1| -> sgn(REALP(3)).Sqrt( REALP(3)**2 + IMAGP(3)**2 ) ] [ PAR(21) = sgn(Re(M2)).|M2| -> sgn(REALP(4)).Sqrt( REALP(4)**2 + IMAGP(4)**2 ) ] [ PAR(22) = sgn(Re(M3)).|M3| -> sgn(REALP(5)).Sqrt( REALP(5)**2 + IMAGP(5)**2 ) ] PAR(23) = MA (diagonal doublet CP-odd mass matrix element at tree-level) PAR(24) = MP (diagonal singlet CP-odd mass matrix element at tree-level) PAR(25) = AE2 Phases in [-Pi/2,Pi/2] [ MYPHASES(1) = Phi_lambda -> arctan( IMAGP(1) / REALP(1) ) ] [ MYPHASES(2) = Phi_kappa -> arctan( IMAGP(2) / REALP(2) ) ] [ MYPHASES(3) = Phi_M1 -> arctan( IMAGP(3) / REALP(3) ) ] [ MYPHASES(4) = Phi_M2 -> arctan( IMAGP(4) / REALP(4) ) ] [ MYPHASES(5) = Phi_M3 -> arctan( IMAGP(5) / REALP(5) ) ] [ MYPHASES(6) = Phi_AU3 -> arctan( IMAGP(6) / REALP(6) ) ] [ MYPHASES(7) = Phi_AD3 -> arctan( IMAGP(7) / REALP(7) ) ] [ MYPHASES(8) = Phi_AE3 -> arctan( IMAGP(8) / REALP(8) ) ] [ MYPHASES(9) = Phi_AU2 (unused) -> 0 ] [ MYPHASES(10) = Phi_AD2 (unused) -> 0 ] [ MYPHASES(11) = Phi_AE2 (unused) -> 0 ] [ MYPHASES(12) = Phi_XIS -> arctan( IMAGP(10) / REALP(10) ) ] [ MYPHASES(13) = Phi_MSP -> arctan( IMAGP(12) / REALP(12) ) ] [ MYPHASES(14) = Phi_XIF -> arctan( IMAGP(9) / REALP(9) ) ] [ MYPHASES(15) = Phi_MUP -> arctan( IMAGP(11) / REALP(11) ) ] [ MYPHASES(16) = Phi_M3H -> arctan( IMAGP(13) / REALP(13) ) ] Output parameters: MH0(1-5): Higgs masses (squared, ordered) XH0(1-5,1-5): Mixing matrix in the basis H1_R=Hu_R, H2_R=Hd_R, S_R, A, S_I where the Goldstone mode has been rotated away MHC: Charged Higgs mass (squared) CU,CD,CV,CJ,CG(i),CZG(i) Reduced scalar couplings of hi (i=1..5) to up type fermions, down type fermions, gauge bosons, gluons, photons and (Z+photon) CUP,CDP,CJP,CGP(i),CZGP(i) idem for pseudoscalar component CB(i) Reduced couplings of hi (i=1..5) to b-quarks including DELMB corrections CBP(i) idem for pseudoscalar component WIDTH(i) Total decay width of hi (i=1..5) with the following branching ratios: BRJJ(i) hi (i=1..5) -> gluon gluon BREE(i) " -> e+ e- BRMM(i) " -> mu mu BRLL(i) " -> tau tau BRSS(i) " -> ss BRCC(i) " -> cc BRBB(i) " -> bb BRTT(i) " -> tt BRWW(i) " -> WW BRZZ(i) " -> ZZ BRGG(i) " -> gamma gamma BRZG(i) " -> Z gamma BRHIGGS(i) " -> other Higgses, including: BRHCHC(i) " -> h+h- BRHAZ(i,j) " -> Zhj (j=1..4) BRHCW(i) " -> h+W- BRHHH(i,j) " -> h1h1 (1), h1h2 (2), h2h2 (3), h1h3 (4), h2h3 (5), h3h3 (6), h1h4 (7), h2h4 (8), h3h4 (9), h4h4 (10) BRSUSY(i) " -> susy particles, including: BRNEU(i,j,k) -> neutralinos j,k (j,k=1..5) BRCHA(i,j) -> charginos 11, 12, 22 (j=1..3) BRHSQ(i,j) " -> uLuL, uRuR, dLdL, dRdR, t1t1, t2t2, t1t2, b1b1, b2b2, b1b2 (j=1..10) BRHSL(i,j) " -> lLlL, lRlR, nLnL, l1l1, l2l2, l1l2, ntnt (i=1..3, j=1..7) HCWIDTH Total decay width of the charged Higgs with the following branching ratios: HCBRM h+ -> mu nu_mu HCBRL " -> tau nu_tau HCBRSU " -> s u HCBRBU " -> b u HCBRSC " -> s c HCBRBC " -> b c HCBRBT " -> b t HCBRWHT " -> neutral Higgs W+, including: HCBRWH(i) " -> hiW+ (i=1..5) HCBRSUSY " -> susy particles,including HCBRNC(i,j) " -> neutralino i chargino j (i=1..5, j=1..2) HCBRSQ(i) " -> uLdL, t1b1, t1b2, t2b1, t2b2 (i=1..5) HCBRSL(i) " -> lLnL, t1nt, t2nt (i=1..3) MNEU(i) Mass of neutralino chi_i (i=1,5, squared, ordered in mass) NEU(i,j,k) chi_i components of bino, wino, higgsino u&d, singlino (i,j=1..5), real part (k=1) and imaginary part (k=2) MCH2(i) Chargino masses (squared) U(i,j,k),V(i,j,k) Chargino mixing matrices, real part (k=1) and imaginary part (k=2) MGl Gluino mass Sfermion masses: MSU2(i) S-up/charm, masses squared (i=1->L,2->R), DRbar MSU2P(i) idem, including QCD+Yuk. corrections MSD2(i) S-down/strange, masses squared (i=1->L,2->R), DRbar MSD2P(i) idem, including QCD+Yuk. corrections MSE2(i) S-electron, masses squared (i=1->L,2->R), DRbar MSMU2(i) S-muon, masses squared ordered (i=1,2), DRbar UMU(i,j,k) S-muon rotation matrix (i->mass, j=1->L, 2->R)* MSNE2 Sneutrino 1st gen., mass squared MST2(i) S-top, masses squared ordered (i=1->L,2->R), DRbar MST2P(i) idem, including QCD+Yuk. corrections UT(i,j,k) S-top rotation matrix (i->mass, j=1->L, 2->R)* MSB2(i) S-bottom, masses squared ordered (i=1->L,2->R), DRbar MSB2P(i) idem, including QCD+Yuk. corrections UB(i,j,k) S-bottom rotation matrix (i->mass, j=1->L, 2->R)* MSL2(i) S-tau, masses squared ordered (i=1,2), DRbar UL(i,j,k) S-tau rotation matrix (i->mass, j=1->L, 2->R)* MSNT2 Sneutrino 3rd gen., mass squared * [real part (k=1) and imaginary part (k=2)] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Content of the array PROB (phenomenological and theoretical constraints): * PROB(I) = 0, I = 1..89: OK * * PROB(1) =/= 0 chargino too light * PROB(2) =/= 0 excluded by Z -> neutralinos * PROB(3) =/= 0 charged Higgs too light * PROB(4) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ * PROB(5) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ, h -> bb * PROB(6) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ, h -> tautau * PROB(7) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ, h -> invisible * PROB(8) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ, h -> 2jets * PROB(9) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ, h -> 2photons * PROB(10) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ, h -> AA -> 4bs * PROB(11) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ, h -> AA -> 4taus * PROB(12) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ, h -> AA -> 2bs 2taus * PROB(13) =/= 0 excluded by Z -> hA (Z width) * PROB(14) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hA -> 4bs * PROB(15) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hA -> 4taus * PROB(16) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hA -> 2bs 2taus * PROB(17) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hA -> AAA -> 6bs * PROB(18) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hA -> AAA -> 6taus * PROB(19) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> Zh -> ZAA -> Z + light pairs * PROB(20) =/= 0 excluded by stop -> b l sneutrino * PROB(21) =/= 0 excluded by stop -> neutralino c * PROB(22) =/= 0 excluded by sbottom -> neutralino b * PROB(23) =/= 0 squark/gluino too light * PROB(24) =/= 0 selectron/smuon too light * PROB(25) =/= 0 stau too light * PROB(26) =/= 0 lightest neutralino is not LSP or < 511 keV * PROB(27) =/= 0 Landau Pole in l, k, ht, hb below MGUT * PROB(28) =/= 0 unphysical global minimum * PROB(29) =/= 0 Higgs soft masses >> Msusy * PROB(30) =/= 0 excluded by DM relic density (checked only if OMGFLAG=/=0) * PROB(31) =/= 0 excluded by DM SI WIMP-nucleon xs (checked if |OMGFLAG|=2 or 4) * PROB(32) =/= 0 b->s gamma more than 2 sigma away * PROB(33) =/= 0 Delta M_s more than 2 sigma away * PROB(34) =/= 0 Delta M_d more than 2 sigma away * PROB(35) =/= 0 B_s->mu+mu- more than 2 sigma away * PROB(36) =/= 0 B+-> tau+nu_tau more than 2 sigma away * PROB(37) =/= 0 (g-2)_muon more than 2 sigma away * PROB(38) =/= 0 excluded by Upsilon(1S) -> H/A gamma * PROB(39) =/= 0 excluded by eta_b(1S) mass measurement * PROB(40) =/= 0 BR(B-->X_s mu+ mu-) more than 2 sigma away * PROB(41) =/= 0 excluded by ee -> hZ, h -> AA -> 4taus (ALEPH analysis) * PROB(42) =/= 0 excluded by top -> b H+, H+ -> c s (CDF, D0) * PROB(43) =/= 0 excluded by top -> b H+, H+ -> tau nu_tau (D0) * PROB(44) =/= 0 excluded by top -> b H+, H+ -> W+ A1, A1 -> 2taus (CDF) * PROB(45) =/= 0 excluded by t -> bH+ (ATLAS) * PROB(46) =/= 0 No Higgs in the MHmin-MHmax GeV range * PROB(51) =/= 0: excluded by H/A->tautau (ATLAS+CMS) * PROB(52) =/= 0: excluded by H->AA->4leptons/2lept.+2b (ATLAS+CMS) * PROB(53) =/= 0: excluded by ggF->H/A->gamgam (ATLAS) * PROB(54) =/= 0: excluded from EDMs * PROB(55) =/= 0: b -> d gamma more than 2 sigma away * PROB(56) =/= 0: B_d -> mu+ mu- more than 2 sigma away * PROB(57) =/= 0: b -> s nu nubar more than 2 sigma away * PROB(58) =/= 0: b -> c tau nu more than 2 sigma away (as SM) * PROB(59) =/= 0: K -> pi nu nubar more than 2 sigma away * PROB(60) =/= 0: DMK / epsK more than 2 sigma away * PROB(61) =/= 0 excluded by DM SD WIMP-neutron xs (checked if |OMGFLAG|=2 or 4) * PROB(62) =/= 0 excluded by DM SD WIMP-proton xs (checked if |OMGFLAG|=2 or 4) * PROB(63) =/= 0: excluded by H->AA->4gammas (ATLAS+CMS) * PROB(64) =/= 0: excluded by trilepton searches for charg(neutral)inos (CMS) * PROB(65) =/= 0: excluded by light mesons or eta_{c,b} decays * PROB(66) =/= 0: uncertainty on SM like Higgs mass > 3 GeV * PROB(67) =/= 0 k_WZ(H_SM) 2 sigma away from LHC measured value * PROB(68) =/= 0 k_top(H_SM) 2 sigma away from LHC measured value * PROB(69) =/= 0 k_bot(H_SM) 2 sigma away from LHC measured value * PROB(70) =/= 0 k_glu(H_SM) 2 sigma away from LHC measured value * PROB(71) =/= 0 k_gam(H_SM) 2 sigma away from LHC measured value * PROB(72) =/= 0 k_tau(H_SM) 2 sigma away from LHC measured value * PROB(73) =/= 0 B_bsm(H_SM) 2 sigma away from LHC measured value * PROB(74) =/= 0: excluded by HSM->Z+A->had (ATLAS) * PROB(75) =/= 0: excluded by HSM->Z+A->2mu (ATLAS) * PROB(76) =/= 0: excluded by HSM->Z+A->2mu (CMS) * PROB(77) =/= 0: excluded by H/A->toptop (CMS) * PROB(78) =/= 0: excluded by A->Z+HSM (CMS) * PROB(79) =/= 0: excluded by A->Z+HSM (ATLAS) * PROB(80) =/= 0: excluded by H/A->Z+A/H (CMS) * PROB(81) =/= 0: excluded by H/A->Z+A/H (ATLAS) * PROB(82) =/= 0: excluded by H/A->HSM+H/A->2b2tau (CMS) * PROB(83) =/= 0: excluded by H/A->HSM+H/A->4b (CMS) * PROB(84) =/= 0: excluded by H->HSM+HSM->2b2gam (ATLAS) * PROB(85) =/= 0: excluded by H->HSM+HSM (ATLAS) * PROB(86) =/= 0: excluded by H->HSM+HSM (CMS) * PROB(87) =/= 0: excluded by delta_MW * PROB(88) =/= 0: excluded by LHC SUSY searches * PROB(89) =/= 0: soft SUSY breaking terms beyond 10 TeV PROB(i) values are computed in the following subroutines : BPhys and BMPhysCPV: 32-36, 38-40 and 55-58 checkmin and checkminCPV: 28 and 29 EDMCPV: 54 hdecay_lightA: 65 KPhys: 59 and 60 lhchig and lhchigCPV: 45, 46, 51-53, 67-86 lhcsusy: 88 magnmu and magnmuCPV: 37 mhiggs: 66 MWNMSSM: 87 relden: 26, 30, 31, 61 and 62 rges and rgesgmgut: 27 subexp and subexpCPV: 1-25, 41-44 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INPUT OPTIONS (see the examples in the directory "SAMPLES"): The definitions of the parameters XIF, XIS, MU', MS'^2, M3H^2 in the general NMSSM (GNMSSM) can be found in Phys.Rept. 496 (2010) 1 (arXiv:0910.1785). *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMHDECAY: *************************************************************************************** Sparticles: M2, AU3, AD3, AE3, ML3, ME3, MQ3, MU3, MD3 have to be given. Unless specified otherwise, the code assumes M1=M2/2, M3=3*M2, AE1=AE2=AE3, ML1=ML2=ML3, ME1=ME2=ME3, MQ1=MQ2=MQ3, MU1=MU2=MU3, MD1=MD2=MD3 NMSSM-specific parameters in the Higgs sector: The soft Higgs mass terms MHU^2, MHD^2 and MS^2 are always computed in terms of MZ, TANB and MUEFF. Always to specify: TANB, LAMBDA and MUEFF Note: values of commented parameters (including KAPPA) are assumed = 0, unless they are computed as output. Options for the parameter set "ALAMBDA, MA, XIF" where MA=diagonal doublet-doublet entry in the CP-odd mass matrix: Two out of these three parameters have to be specified, the remaining one is computed. (If all are commented, MA is computed assuming ALAMBDA=XIF=0, if only MA is input, ALAMBDA is computed assuming XIF=0, if only ALAMBDA is input, MA is computed assuming XIF=0, if only XIF is input, MA is computed assuming ALMBDA=0) Options for the parameter set "AKAPPA, MP, XIS" where MP=diagonal singlet-singlet entry in the CP-odd mass matrix: Two out of these three parameters have to be specified, the remaining one is computed. (If all are commented, MP is computed assuming AKAPPA=XIS=0, if only MP is input, AKAPPA is computed assuming XIS=0, if only AKAPPA is input, MP is computed assuming XIS=0, if only XIS is input, MP is computed assuming AKAPPA=0) Note: If KAPPA=0, AKAPPA must be =0 In the output file, the values of the computed parameters are shown in the BLOCK EXTPAR, but commented. PARTICULAR CASES: Z_3-invariant NMSSM: Always to specify: TANB, LAMBDA, MUEFF, KAPPA, and in addition - either ALAMBDA or MA, and - either AKAPPA or MP. If too many of these latter parameters are specified, XIF and/or XIS are computed and indicated in the output. nMSSM (kappa=Akappa=0, but XIF, XIS non-vanishing): Always to specify: TANB, LAMBDA, MUEFF, and in addition - two parameters of the set (XIF, ALAMBDA, MA), the remaining parameter is computed, and - MP or XIS, the remaining parameter is computed. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMHDECAY_RAND: *************************************************************************************** Scans can be performed over all independent parameters of the Higgs sector (see above), and the gaugino masses M1, M2 and M3. If M1 and/or M3 are not specified, M1=M2/2 and M3=3*M2. For each parameter "P", P_max=P_min if P_max is not specified. P_min=0 by default, except for TANB, LAMBDA and MUEFF which have to be specified, and except for the parameters which are computed. Unless P_min=0 by default, P_max cannot be given if P_min is not known. (If KAPPA=0, AKAPPA is set = 0.) The user has to specify the total number of points. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMHDECAY_GRID: *************************************************************************************** The choice of independent parameters is as above. The user has to specify the number of points "NP" for each parameter to be scanned. By default NP=1. If P_max > P_min and NP=1, P_min is used. If P_max=P_min and NP>1, the user is alerted by a warning. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMHDECAY_MCMC: *************************************************************************************** For MCMC scans, the user has to provide a starting point with parameters as for NMHDECAY. For each parameter P, the user has to give the relative and the minimum step size PDEV and PMIN (resp.). Then, at each step, the new value of P is computed as: PNEW=P+MAX(DABS(P),PMIN)*PDEV*GAU where GAU is a random number with a gaussian distribution (mean=0, width=1). Whether the new point is taken as the new starting point for next step of the random walk or not depends on the value of a penalty function which is a sum of all the discrepancies of the chosen point with respect to experimental bounds. The total number of scanned points is given in BLOCK STEPS as NTOT and the initial random seed as ISEED. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMSPEC: *************************************************************************************** The user has to specify TANB, LAMBDA, M0, M12 (unless all M1, M2 and M3 are specified separately) and A0. ALAMBDA and AKAPPA (both at MGUT) can be specified independently from A0, if desired. MHD^2 and MHU^2 (both at MGUT) can be specified independently from m0, if MUEFF is NOT specified. Default values for all other parameters (unless computed in terms of others) are =0. By default, KAPPA is computed in terms of the other parameters. If KAPPA is input: XIF is computed and hence =/= 0 in general. If neither KAPPA nor XIF are given as inputs then KAPPA is computed assuming XIF=0. Both parameters cannot be simultaneously inputs. By default, the singlet soft mass MS^2 at MGUT is computed in terms of the other parameters and hence =/= m0 in general. If MS^2 is input, XIS is computed instead and hence =/= 0 in general. If neither MS^2 nor XIS are given as inputs then MS^2 is computed assuming XIS=0. Both parameters cannot be simultaneously inputs. By default, MUEFF is computed in terms of the other parameters, but then its sign SIGMU (FLOAT, not INTEGER) must be given. If MUEFF is an input parameter, KAPPA, XIF and XIS are also interpreted as input parameter (with default value =0 unless specified otherwise). Then the Higgs soft masses MHD^2, MHU^2 and MS^2 at MGUT are computed in terms of the other parameters and hence =/= m0 in general. By default, XIF=XIS=MU'=MS'^2=M3H^2=0, but can be specified otherwise (at MGUT). Exceptions: If MUEFF is NOT an input parameter and - if KAPPA is input: XIF is computed and hence =/= 0 in general; - if MS^2 is input: XIS is computed and hence =/= 0 in general. PARTICULAR CASES: cNMSSM (fully constrained Z_3-invariant NMSSM): Not possible as input; at least MS^2 at MGUT is an output sNMSSM (semi-constrained Z_3-invariant NMSSM, with non-universal singlet sector): Inputs TANB, LAMBDA, M0, M12, A0, ALAMBDA, AKAPPA -> KAPPA, MUEFF and MS^2 are computed. NUH-NMSSM (Z_3-invariant NMSSM with non-universal Higgs masses MS^2, MHD^2 and MHU^2 at MGUT): Inputs TANB, LAMBDA, KAPPA, M0, M12, A0 (possibly also ALAMBDA, AKAPPA), MUEFF -> MS^2, MHD^2 and MHU^2 are computed. nMSSM (no self coupling for the singlet): Inputs TANB, LAMBDA, KAPPA=AKAPPA=0, M0, M12, A0 (possibly also ALAMBDA), XIS -> XIF, MUEFF, MS^2 are computed; or Inputs TANB, LAMBDA, KAPPA=AKAPPA=0, M0, M12, A0 (possibly also ALAMBDA), MS^2 -> XIF, MUEFF, XIS are computed. Inputs TANB, LAMBDA, KAPPA=AKAPPA=0, M0, M12, A0 (possibly also ALAMBDA), MUEFF, XIF, XIS -> MHU^2, MHD^2, MS^2 are computed. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMSPEC_RAND: *************************************************************************************** Scans can be performed over all independent parameters (as above). For each parameter "P", P_max=P_min if P_max is not specified, P_max cannot be given if P_min is not known. Same default value assumed for P_min as for P. The user has to specify the total number of points. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMSPEC_GRID: *************************************************************************************** The choice of independent parameters is as above. The user has to specify the number of points "NP" for each parameter to be scanned. By default NP=1. If P_max > P_min and NP=1, P_min is used. If P_max=P_min and NP>1, the user is alerted by a warning. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMSPEC_MCMC: *************************************************************************************** For MCMC scans, the user has to provide a starting point with parameters as for NMSPEC. For each parameter P, the user has to give the relative and the minimum step size PDEV and PMIN (resp.). Then, at each step, the new value of P is computed as: PNEW=P+MAX(DABS(P),PMIN)*PDEV*GAU where GAU is a random number with a gaussian distribution (mean=0, width=1). Whether the new point is taken as the new starting point for next step of the random walk or not depends on the value of a penalty function which is a sum of all the discrepancies of the chosen point with respect to experimental bounds. The total number of scanned points is given in BLOCK STEPS as NTOT and the initial random seed as ISEED. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMGMSB: *************************************************************************************** If GMSB = 0: The definitions of the parameters specific to GMSB models can be found in JHEP 0805 (2008) 044 (arXiv:0803.2962). The user has to specify TANB, LAMBDA, MSUSY (SUSY scale), MMESS (messenger scale) N5 (number of 5-plets) and SIGMU (sign of MUEFF which is always computed). ALAMBDA (at MMESS) can be specified if =/=0. AKAPPA is always =3*ALAMBDA. Default values for all other parameters (unless computed in terms of others) are 0. By default, KAPPA is computed in terms of the other parameters. If KAPPA is input: XIF is computed and hence =/= 0 in general. If neither KAPPA nor XIF are given as inputs then KAPPA is computed assuming XIF=0. Both parameters cannot be simultaneously inputs. By default, the singlet soft mass MS^2 at MGUT is computed in terms of the other parameters. If MS^2 is input, XIS is computed instead and hence =/= 0 in general. If neither MS^2 nor XIS are given as inputs then MS^2 is computed assuming XIS=0. Both parameters cannot be simultaneously inputs. By default, XIF=XIS=MU'=MS'^2=0, but can be specified otherwise (at MMESS). - if KAPPA is input: XIF is computed and hence =/= 0 in general; - if MS^2 is input: XIS is computed and hence =/= 0 in general. If GMSB =/= 0: The definitions of the parameters specific to GMSB models above MMESS can be found in arXiv:0706.3873[hep-ph] and arXiv:1107.3006[hep-ph]. The user has to specify TANB, LAMBDA, MSUSY (SUSY scale), MMESS (messenger scale) N5 (number of 5-plets) and SIGMU (sign of MUEFF which is always computed from minimisation eqs.). The extra parameters XIU (at MGUT), LTT, LTT, LU, LD, LT, LB, LL (at MMESS) can be given in BLOCK EXTPAR (switches 73-80). Soft parameters at MMESS are related to these extra couplings. MUEFF, KAPPA and MS are computed from minimisation eqs. DMIN, the maximal relative deviation allowed between the computed and expected value for MS, has to be given in BLOCK EXTPAR (switch 0). *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMGMSB_RAND: *************************************************************************************** Scans can be performed over all independent parameters (as above). For each parameter "P", P_max=P_min if P_max is not specified, P_max cannot be given if P_min is not known. Same default value assumed for P_min as for P. The user has to specify the total number of points. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMGMSB_GRID: *************************************************************************************** The choice of independent parameters is as above. The user has to specify the number of points "NP" for each parameter to be scanned. By default NP=1. If P_max > P_min and NP=1, P_min is used. If P_max=P_min and NP>1, the user is alerted by a warning. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMGMSB_MCMC: *************************************************************************************** For MCMC scans, the user has to provide a starting point with parameters as for NMGMSB. For each parameter P, the user has to give the relative and the minimum step size PDEV and PMIN (resp.). Then, at each step, the new value of P is computed as: PNEW=P+MAX(DABS(P),PMIN)*PDEV*GAU where GAU is a random number with a gaussian distribution (mean=0, width=1). Whether the new point is taken as the new starting point for next step of the random walk or not depends on the value of a penalty function which is a sum of all the discrepancies of the chosen point with respect to experimental bounds. The total number of scanned points is given in BLOCK STEPS as NTOT and the initial random seed as ISEED. *************************************************************************************** INPUT OPTIONS FOR NMHDECAYCPV: *************************************************************************************** Same input parameters as NMHDECAY for the real part of the parameters at SUSY scale. Imaginary parts of the parameters are given in a separate block except Im(MUEFF): aligned with LAMBDA Im(ALAMBDA), Im(AKAPPA): computed from minimisation equations If KAPPA=0 (nMSSM) then AKAPPA must be zero and Im(XIS) is computed from the second minimisation equation (hence in general =/=0). For the scanning versions (RAND, GRID and MCMC) the input parameters are as above.