Felix Brümmer |
Contact Building 13, 1st floor, office 17 Université de Montpellier Place Eugène Bataillon 34095 Montpellier France Phone: (+33) (0)4 67 14 35 59 E-Mail: felix.bruemmer (at) umontpellier.fr |
Welcome to my home page. I'm a theoretical physicist and maître de conférences (Associate Professor) at the Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier, working on elementary particle physics beyond the Standard Model. Currently my main research interests are dark matter models and their LHC phenomenology, as well as new ideas in electroweak symmetry breaking. Previously I have also worked on supersymmetric models, dynamical supersymmetry breaking, warped extra dimensions, models with hidden gauge sectors, and some topics in string phenomenology. Here is a list of my publications from INSPIRE. Public lectures (in French): Combien de dimensions y a-t-il? - LabEx OCEVU summer camp lecture L'univers sombre - Public lecture for finishing high school students / beginning undergraduates Current teaching: HLPH609 (Programming for physicists) Previous teaching: HMPH316 (Quantum Field Theory) HMPH104 (Computational Physics) "Supersymmetry and Supergravity", winter term 2012/13 at Hamburg University, with Rutger Boels : Lecture notes (updated for LabEx OCEVU PhD lectures 2016) |
Last updated 29/10/2019 by F. Brümmer |