Fri 02/14/25 14:00 Andromede, Buiding 11, Floor 3 Seminar
Thé au cube (LUPM/Particules, Astroparticules, Cosmologie : Théorie)
Title: Introduction to the effective field theory of large-scale structure.
In this T^3, I will present the paradigm of the effective field theory of large-scale structure (EFTofLSS), a semi-analytical method which provides an accurate description of the galaxy power spectrum and aims at improving cosmological constraints from large-scale structure surveys, a major challenge in the context of the forthcoming data from DESI and Euclid. First, I will show how it is possible to describe the matter overdensity field in the non-linear regime with the standard perturbation theory (up one-loop order). Second, I will deal with the inconsistencies of the standard perturbation theory and show how the EFTofLSS, which remains a perturbative method, overcomes them by providing an appropriate renormalizable formalism. Note that there is no need for (many) pre-requisites to follow this T^3. For more information please contact Moultaka G.