
(1) Presentation(s)

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Fri 12/15/23 12:00 Salle des Séminaires, Buiding 21, Floor 4 (to be confirmed)

Broadcast of a Labos1point5 seminar
The sustainable HECAP+ initiative


A grassroots initiative “Striving towards Environmental Sustainability in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics” originated in 2021 following an online workshop. It later adopted the HECAP+ acronym to include Hadron and Nuclear Physics as well. These communities make use of common experimental infrastructure, such as accelerators and observatories, and share similar computing needs. They thus face similar challenges to improving the sustainability of their research. In this talk, we describe how the initiative was started and present its main output so far, a reflection document. It considers the environmental impacts of HECAP+ research, highlights best practices, makes recommendations for positive changes and identifies opportunities and challenges relating these changes to broader aspects of social responsibility.

For more information please contact Faure A.