- Direct and Accurate Calculation of Dwell Times and Time Delays Using Quantum Trajectories doi link

Author(s): Dupuy L., Parlant Gerard, Poirier Bill, Scribano Y.(Corresp.)

(Article) Published: Physics Letters A, vol. 456 p.128548 (2022)

DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2022.128548

Among the numerous concepts of time in quantum scattering, Smith’s dwell time [F. T. Smith, Phys. Rev. 118, 349–356 (1960)] and Eisenbud & Wigner’s time delay [E. P. Wigner, Phys. Rev. 98, 145 (1955)] are the most well established. The dwell time represents the amount of time spent by the particle inside a given coordinate range (typically a potential barrier interaction region), while the time delay measures the excess time spent in the interaction region because of the potential. In this paper, we use the exact trajectory-ensemble reformulation of quantum mechanics, recently proposed by one of the authors (Poirier), to study how tunneling and reflection unfold over time, in a one-dimensional rectangular potential barrier. Among other dynamical details, the quantum trajectory approach provides an extremely robust, accurate, and straightforward method for directly computing the dwell time and time delay, from a single quantum trajectory. The resultant numerical method is highly efficient, and in the case of the time delay, completely obviates the traditional need to energy-differentiate the scattering phase shift. In particular, the trajectory variables provide a simple expression for the time delay that disentangles the contribution of the self-interference delay. More generally, quantum trajectories provide interesting physical insight into the tunneling process.