Lines of heavy elements and FeII in the UV of CS 31082-001 Auteur(s): Barbuy B., Siqueira-mello C., Spite M., Spite F., Bonifacio P., Hill V., Primas F., Plez B., Cayrel R., Francois P., Sneden C., Beers T.c., Andersen J., Nordstrom B., Molaro P.
Conference: 10th International Colloquium on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysical and Labor (Berkeley, US, 2010-08-03) DOI: 10.1139/p10-122 Résumé: The abundance of heavy r-elements may provide a better understanding of the r-process, and the determination of several reference r-elements should allow a better determination of a star's age. The space UV region (λ < 3000 Å) presents a large number of lines of the heavy elements, and in the case of some elements, such as Bi, Pt, Au, detectable lines are not available elsewhere. The extreme “r-process star” CS 31082–001 ([Fe/H] = –2.9) was observed in the space UV to determine abundances of the heaviest stable elements, using STIS on board Hubble Space Telescope. |