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A limit on the variation of the speed of light arising from quantum gravity effects ![]() Author(s): Abdo A.A., Ackermann M., Ajello M., Asano K., Atwood W. B., Axelsson M., Ballet J., Bellazzini R., Bruel P., Casandjian J.M., Cohen-Tanugi J., Dumora D., Farnier C., Fegan S.J., Giebels B., Grenier I.A., Grondin M.H., Guillemot L., Guiriec Sylvain, Lemoine-Goumard M., Lott B., Nuss E., Parent D., Pelassa V., Piron F., Reposeur T., Sanchez D., Smith D.A., Tibaldo L., Vilchez N.
(Article) Published:
Nature, vol. 462 p.331-334 (2009)
Links openAccess full text : Ref HAL: in2p3-00436584_v1 DOI: 10.1038/nature08574 Exporter : BibTex | endNote 382 citations Abstract: A cornerstone of Einstein's special relativity is Lorentz invariance-the postulate that all observers measure exactly the same speed of light in vacuum, independent of photon-energy. While special relativity assumes that there is no fundamental length-scale associated with such invariance, there is a fundamental scale (the Planck scale, l(Planck) approximate to 1.62 x 10(-33) cm or E-Planck = M(Planck)c(2) approximate to 1.22 x 10(19) GeV), at which quantum effects are expected to strongly affect the nature of space-time. There is great interest in the (not yet validated) idea that Lorentz invariance might break near the Planck scale. A key test of such violation of Lorentz invariance is a possible variation of photon speed with energy(1-7). Even a tiny variation in photon speed, when accumulated over cosmological light-travel times, may be revealed by observing sharp features in gamma-ray burst (GRB) light-curves(2). Here we report the detection of emission up to similar to 31GeV from the distant and short GRB090510. We find no evidence for the violation of Lorentz invariance, and place a lower limit of 1.2E(Planck) on the scale of a linear energy dependence (or an inverse wavelength dependence), subject to reasonable assumptions about the emission (equivalently we have an upper limit of l(Planck)/1.2 on the length scale of the effect). Our results disfavour quantum-gravity theories(3,6,7) in which the quantum nature of space-time on a very small scale linearly alters the speed of light. |