- SUSY Particle Physics Summary hal link

Auteur(s): Degrassi G., Djouadi Abdelhak, Kneur Jean-loïc, Moultaka G., Renard F. M., Bartl A., Beccaria M., Brignole A., Eberl H., Freitas A., Guash J., Heinemeyer S., Hollik W., Kalinowski J., Kraml S., Majerotto W., Masiero A., Moortgat-pick G., Muehlleitner M., Rossi A., Sola J., Slavich P., Spira M., Stockinger D., Verzegnassi C.

(Article) Publié: Acta Physica Polonica B, vol. 35 p.2711-2726 (2004)

Ref HAL: hal-00266464_v1
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A review of the activity of the European Network ``Physics at Colliders'' in the area of SUSY particle physics is presented.

Commentaires: Meeting of the European Network "Physics at Colliders", Montpellier (France) Sept-26-27 , 2004.