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Testing soft electroweak SUSY breaking from neutralino, chargino, and charged Higgs boson pairs production at linear colliders ![]() Auteur(s): Beccaria M., Eberl H., Renard F. M., Verzegnassi C.
(Article) Publié:
Physical Review D, vol. 70 p.071301 (2004)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : Ref HAL: hal-00259267_v1 Ref Arxiv: hep-ph/0406253 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.70.071301 Ref. & Cit.: NASA ADS Exporter : BibTex | endNote 4 citations Résumé: We consider the production of neutralino, chargino, and charged Higgs boson pairs in the MSSM framework at future $e^+e^-$ colliders. We show that, for c.m. energies in the one TeV range and in a ``moderately'' light SUSY scenario, a combined analysis of the slopes of these production cross sections could lead to a strong consistency test involving the soft supersymmetric breaking parameters $M_1$, $M_2$, the Higgsino parameter $\mu$, and $\tan\beta$. Commentaires: 5 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX 4; typos corrected in equations and figures |