- High Energy Photon Flux Prediction from Neutralino Annihilation in M31 doi link

Author(s): Falvard Alain, Giraud Edmond, Jacholkowska Agnieszka, Jedamzik K., Lavalle J., Moultaka G., Nuss E., Piron F.

Conference: ESO/CERN/ESA Symposium (Garching, DE, 2002-03-04)
Proceedings: Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics, vol. 2003 p.438-440 (2003)

DOI: 10.1007/10857580_45

Considering a NFW halo of M 31 made of neutralinos, predictions for the \x{03B3} fluxes are computed for different sets of SUSY parameters using the DarkSuspect MC simulation [1] [2]. Then they are compared with the efficiency of CELESTE Cerenkov telescope [3] which has a threshold energy of 30 GeV.

Comments: Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics: