- Light and Heavy Quark Masses, Flavor Breaking of Chiral Condensate and Light (pseudo) Scalar Meson Decay Constants in QCD arxiv link

Auteur(s): Narison S.

(Document sans référence bibliographique)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : arXiv

Ref Arxiv: hep-ph/0202200
Ref. & Cit.: NASA ADS

We review the present status for the determinations of the light and heavy quark masses, the light quark chiral condensate and the decay constants of light and heavy-light (pseudo)scalar mesons from QCD spectral sum rules (QSSR). Bounds on the light quark running masses at 2 GeV are found to be: 6 MeV<(m_d+m_u)(2)<11 MeV and 71 MeV/=0.66\pm 0.10. The last section is dedicated to the QSSR determinations of f_{D_{(s)}} and f_{B_{(s)}}.