LUPM/Particules, Astroparticules, Cosmologie : Théorie
(335) Production(s)
Improved fD(s)∗, fB(s)∗ and fBc from QCD Laplace sum rules Auteur(s): Narison S. (Article) Publié: International Journal Of Modern Physics A, vol. 30 p.1550116 (2015) Texte intégral en Openaccess : |
Mini-review on QCD spectral sum rules Auteur(s): Narison S.
Conference: 17th International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD 14) (Montpellier, FR, 2014-06-30) |
D¯⁎D and B¯⁎B(1++) molecules at N2LO from QSSR Auteur(s): Fanomezana F., Narison S., Rabemananjara A.
Conference: 17th High-Energy Physics International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD 14) (Montpellier, FR, 2014-06-30) |
D¯⁎D0⁎ and B¯⁎B0⁎(1−−) molecules at N2LO from QSSR Auteur(s): Fanomezana F., Narison S., Rabemananjara Andry
Conference: 17th High-Energy Physics International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD 14) (Montpellier, FR, 2014-06-30) |
Solvable Models with Massless Light-Front Fermions Auteur(s): Martinovic̆ Lubomír, Grange P.
Conference: Theory and Experiment for Hadrons on the Light-Front (Light Cone 2014) (Raleigh, US, 2014-05-26) |
Physics at the e+ e- Linear Collider Auteur(s): Moortgat-Pick G., Baer H., Battaglia M., Belanger G., Fujii K., Kalinowski J., Heinemeyer S., Kiyo Y., Olive K., Simon F., Uwer P., Wackeroth D., Zerwas P. M., Arbey A., Asano M., Bagger J., Bechtle P., Bharucha Aoife, Brau J., Brümmer F., Choi S. Y., Denner A., Desch K., Dittmaier S., Ellwanger U., Mahmoudi F., Mambrini Y., Pöschl R., Serpico P., Weiglein G. (Article) Publié: European Physical Journal C, vol. 75 p.371 (2015) Texte intégral en Openaccess : |
Gauge Mediation in the NMSSM with a Light Singlet: Sparticles within the Reach of LHC Run II Auteur(s): Allanach Ben, Badziak Marcin, Hugonie C., Ziegler Robert
Conference: 18th International Conference From the Planck Scale to the Electroweak Scale (Planck 2015) (Ioannina, GR, 2015-05-25) |