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(16) Production(s) of BOSSION D.

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. Simulations numériques de systèmes hamiltonien astrophysiques : collisions atome-molécule et orbites stellaires

Author(s): Bossion D.(Corresp.), Scribano Y.(Corresp.), Wozniak H.(Corresp.)

(Posters) Rencontre utilisateurs du centre de calcul MESO@LR (Montpellier, FR), 2018-12-04
Links openAccess full text : fichier pdf

. Quasi-classical and quantum study of atom-diatom collisions for high temperature regime

Author(s): Bossion D., Scribano Y.

Conference: Physique et Chimie du Milieu Interstellaire (Marseille, FR, 2018-06-25)

. Collisional excitation of H$_2$ by H atoms at high temperature for astrophysical applications

Author(s): Bossion D., Scribano Y.

Conference: 22nd European Conference on the Dynamics of Molecular Systems (Dinard, FR, 2018-08-26)

. Collisional excitation of H$_2$ at high temperatures

Author(s): Bossion D., Scribano Y.

Conference: PICS Collisional Excitation of Hydrides in the InterStellar Medium meeting (Grenoble, FR, 2018-08-27)

. Simulations numériques des collisions atome-molécule pour l'astrophysique

Author(s): Bossion D., Scribano Y.

(Posters) Rencontre utilisateurs du centre de calcul MESO@LR (Montpellier, FR), 2018-03-05

+ State-to-state quasi-classical trajectory study of the D + H$_2$ collision for high temperature astrophysical applications doi link

Author(s): Bossion D., Scribano Y.(Corresp.), Parlant Gerard

(Article) Published: Journal Of Chemical Physics, vol. 150 p.084301 (2019)

+ The low temperature D$^+$ + H$_2$ → HD + H$^+$ reaction rate coefficient: a ring polymer molecular dynamics and quasi-classical trajectory study doi link

Author(s): Bhowmick Somnath, Bossion D., Scribano Y., Suleimanov Yury

(Article) Published: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 20 p.26752 (2018)

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