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(34) Production(s) of PALACIOS A.

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+ A comparison of evolutionary tracks for single Galactic massive stars doi link

Author(s): Martins F., Palacios A.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 560 p.A16 (2013)
Links openAccess full text : arxiv

+ Seismic diagnostics for transport of angular momentum in stars. I. Rotational splittings from the pre-main sequence to the red-giant branch doi link

Author(s): Marques J. P., Goupil M. J., Lebreton Yveline, Talon S., Palacios A., Belkacem K., Ouazzani R.-M., Mosser B., Moya A., Morel Pierre, Pichon B., Mathis S., Zahn J.-P., Turck-Chièze S., Nghiem P. A. P.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 549 p.74-88 (2013)
Links openAccess full text : arxiv

+ Impact of internal gravity waves on the rotation profile inside pre-main sequence low-mass stars doi link

Author(s): Charbonnel Corinne, Decressin T., Amard L., Palacios A., Talon S.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 554 p.A40 (2013)
Links openAccess full text : arxiv

+ Weak G-band stars on the H-R diagram: clues to the origin of the Li anomaly doi link

Author(s): Palacios A., Parthasarathy M., Bharat Kumar Y., Jasniewicz G.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 538 p.A68 (2012)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Thermohaline instability and rotation-induced mixing. III. Grid of stellar models and asymptotic asteroseismic quantities from the pre-main sequence up to the AGB for low- and intermediate-mass stars of various metallicities doi link

Author(s): Lagarde N., Decressin T., Charbonnel Corinne, Eggenberger P., Ekstroem S., Palacios A.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 543 p.A108 (2012)
Links openAccess full text : arxiv

+ Lithium abundances and extra mixing processes in evolved stars of M67 doi link

Author(s): Canto Martins B.L., Lebre A., Palacios A., De Laverny P., Richard O., Melo C., Do Nascimento J.D. Jr, De Medeiros J.R.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 527 p.94 (2011)
Links openAccess full text : arxiv

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