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Expériences et Modélisation en Astroparticules et Cosmologie
(625) Production(s)

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+ Searching the Gamma-ray Sky for Counterparts to Gravitational Wave Sources: Fermi GBM and LAT Observations of LVT151012 and GW151226 doi link

Author(s): Racusin J, Burns E, Goldstein A., Connaughton V., Wilson-Hodge C.A., Jenke P., Blackburn L., Briggs M, Broida J, Camp J, Christensen N., Hui C M, Littenberg L, Shawhan P, Singer L., Veitch J, Bhat P, Cleveland W., Fitzpatrick G, Gibby M, Von Kienlin A, Mcbreen S, Mailyan B., Meegan C.A., Paciesas W.S., Preece R.D., Roberts O.J., Stanbro M, Veres P, Bregeon J.

(Article) Published: The Astrophysical Journal / The Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 835 p.82 - 27 pages (2017)
Links openAccess full text : fichier pdf

+ Measurement of the high-energy gamma-ray emission from the Moon with the Fermi Large Area Telescope doi link

Author(s): Ackermann M., Ajello M., Albert A., Atwood W. B., Baldini L., Barbiellini G., Bastieri D., Bellazzini R., Bissaldi E., Blandford R. D., Bonino R., Bottacini E., Bregeon J., Bruel P., Buehler R., Caliandro G. A., Cameron R. A., Caragiulo M., Caraveo P.A., Cavazzuti E., Cecchi C., Chekhtman A., Cohen-Tanugi J., Fegan S.J., Grenier I. A., Horan D., Nuss E., Piron F., Reposeur T., Yassine M.

(Article) Published: -Phys.rev.d, vol. 93 p.082001 (2016)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ The microphysics of collisionless shock waves doi link

Author(s): Marcowith A., Bret Antoine, Bykov Andrei, Dieckman Mark Eric, Drury Luke O'Connor, Lembège Bertrand, Lemoine Martin, Morlino Giovanni, Murphy Gareth, Pelletier Guy, Plotnikov Illya, Reville Brian, Riquelme Mario, Sironi Lorenzo, Stockem Novo Anne

(Article) Published: Reports On Progress In Physics, vol. 79 p.046901 (2016)

. Precursors in short GRBs

Author(s): Bernardini M.-G.

Conference: Short GRBs, from observations to numerical simulations (Trento, IT, 2016-09-08)

. The GRB central engine: black hole or magnetar?

Author(s): Bernardini M.-G.

Conference: IV Congresso Nazionale GRB (Bergame, IT, 2016-11-08)

+ Testing the Energy Dependency of the Spectral Lag of GRBs with Fermi/GBM and LAT

Author(s): Bernardini M.-G., Piron F., Bregeon J.

Conference: Eighth Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium (Hunstville, AL, US, 2016-10-24)

. The SVOM Gamma-Ray Burst Mission

Author(s): Piron F.

Invited Conference: Eighth Huntsville Gamma-Ray Burst Symposium (Hunstville, AL, US, 2016-10-24)

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