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Astrophysique Stellaire
(494) Production(s)

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+ Confirmation of the magnetic oblique rotator model for the Of?p star HD 191612 arxiv link

Author(s): Wade G. a., Howarth I. d., Townsend R. h. d., Grunhut J. h., Shultz M., Bouret J. -c., Fullerton A., Marcolino W., Martins F., Nazé Y., Doula A. ud, Walborn N. r., Donati J. -f., Collaboration The mimes

(Document without bibliographic reference) 2011-06-15
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ The two components of the evolved massive binary LZ Cep. Testing the effects of binarity on stellar evolution arxiv link

Author(s): Mahy L., Martins F., Machado C., Donati J. -f., Bouret J. -c.

(Document without bibliographic reference) 2011-06-30
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Near-IR integral field spectroscopy of ionizing stars and young stellar objects on the borders of H II regions doi link

Author(s): Martins F., Pomares M., Deharveng L., Zavagno A., Bouret J.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 510 p.A32 (2010)

. Reaction Networks for Interstellar Chemical Modelling: Improvements and Challenges

Author(s): Wakelam Valentine, Smith I., Herbst E., Troe J., Geppert W., Linnartz H., Öberg K., Roueff E., Agúndez M., Pernot P., Cuppen H., Loison J., Talbi D.

(Article) Published: Space Science Reviews, vol. 156 p.13-72 (2010)

+ Abundance Patterns in S-type AGB stars : Setting Constraints on Nucleosynthesis and Stellar Evolution Models arxiv link

Author(s): Neyskens Pieter, Van eck Sophie, Plez B., Goriely Stéphane, Siess Lionel, Jorissen Alain

Conference: Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants (, AT, 2011-08-16)
Proceedings: Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, vol. 445 p.77 (2011)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ A grid of MARCS model atmospheres for S stars arxiv link

Author(s): Van eck Sophie, Neyskens Pieter, Plez B., Jorissen Alain, Edvardsson Bengt, Eriksson Kjell, Gustafsson Bengt, Jorgensen Uffe-grae, Nordlund Ake

Conference: Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants (, AT, 2010-08-16)
Proceedings: Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars II: Shining Examples and Common Inhabitants, vol. 445 p.71 (2011)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

. Triggered star formation on the borders of H II regions

Author(s): Martins F., Zavagno Annie, Deharveng L. /, Pomares M., Bouret J.~c.

(Other publications) , 2009

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