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Astrophysique Stellaire
(494) Production(s)

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+ Stellar Evolution Beyond the Standard Picture hal link

Author(s): Palacios A.

(H.D.R.) , 2014
Links openAccess full text : fichier pdf

+ Thermohaline instability and rotation-induced mixing (I, II, III) (Corrigendum) doi link

Author(s): Lagarde N., Anderson R. I., Charbonnel Corinne, Decressin T., Eggenberger P., Ekström S., Palacios A.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 570 p.C2 (2014)
Links openAccess full text : openaccess

+ How do stellar evolution and parameters influence the habitable zone? hal link

Author(s): Palacios A., Amard L.

Conference: Star-Planet Interactions and the Habitable Zone (Saclay, FR, 2014-11-18)

+ Theoretical studies on polyphenyls hal link

Author(s): Talbi D.(Corresp.)

Invited Conference: Gas-phase PAH research for the interstellar medium (Toulouse, FR, 2014-07-09)

+ The bloc diagonalisation method for dissociative recombination processes hal link

Author(s): Talbi D.

Invited Conference: PEPS-PTI : Théorie des Processus Collisionnels Electron-Cation (Montpellier, FR, 2014-11-27)

+ Fundamental properties of single O stars in the MiMeS survey doi link

Author(s): Martins F., Herve A., Bouret J.-C., Marcolino W., Wade G, Neiner C., Alecian E.

Conference: New windows on massive stars: asteroseismology, interferometry, and spectropolarimetry (Genève, CH, 2014-06-23)

Links openAccess full text : openaccess

+ Time variation of differential reddening towards NGC 4833 doi link

Author(s): Itam-Pasquet J., Jasniewicz G., Puy D., Pfenniger D.

(Article) Published: Eas Publications Series, vol. 67-68 p.381-381 (2014)
Links openAccess full text : istex

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