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Astrophysique Stellaire
(494) Production(s)

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+ Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Solar-type Stars doi link

Author(s): Amard L., Palacios A., Charbonnel Corinne

(Article) Published: Proceedings Of The International Astronomical Union, vol. 10 p.109-112 (2015)

+ TOPoS II. On the bimodality of carbon abundance in CEMP stars Implications on the early chemical evolution of galaxies doi link

Author(s): Bonifacio P., Caffau E., Spite M., Limongi M., Chieffi A., Klessen R., François P., Molaro P., Ludwig H.-G., Zaggia S., Spite F., Plez B., Cayrel R., Christlieb N., Clark P., Glover S., Hammer F., Koch A., Monaco L., Sbordone L., Steffen M.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 579 p.A28 (2015)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ The GSO Data Centre arxiv link

Author(s): Paletou F. , Glorian J.-M. , Génot V. , Rouillard A. , Petit P. , Palacios A., Caux E. , Wakelam Valentine

Conference: 2015sf2a.conf...37P - SF2A-2015: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Eds.: F. Martins, S. Boissier, V. Buat, L. Cambrésy, P. Petit, pp.37-40 held 2 au 5 juin 2015 à Toulouse (Toulouse, FR, 2015-06-02)
Proceedings: , vol. p. (2015)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

. Computational Chemistry and Chemical reactivity

Author(s): Talbi D.

Invited Conference: Formation of oxides in evolved stars (bâle, CH, 2015-02-17)

. Searching for a variability of interstellar reddening in the line of sight of NGC 4833

Author(s): Itam-Pasquet Johanna, Jasniewicz G., Puy D., Pfenniger D.

Conference: SF2A-2015 (Toulouse, FR, 2015-06-02)

. Fingering instabilities induced by the accretion of planetary matter onto stars : The lithium case. Application to the 16 Cygni stellar system.

Author(s): Deal M., Richard O., Vauclair S.

Conference: SF2A-2015 (Toulouse, FR, 2015-02)

+ Properties of Massive Stars in VVV Clusters doi link

Author(s): Herve A., Martins F., Chené A., Bouret J.-C., Borrissova J.

Conference: The Physics of Evolved Stars: A Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Olivier Chesneau (Nice, FR, 2015-06-08)
Proceedings: , vol. 71-72 p.337-338 (2015)

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