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Astrophysique Stellaire
(494) Production(s)

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. Collisional excitation of H$_2$ at high temperatures

Author(s): Bossion D., Scribano Y.

Conference: PICS Collisional Excitation of Hydrides in the InterStellar Medium meeting (Grenoble, FR, 2018-08-27)

. Hydrodynamical Instabilities Induced by Atomic Diffusion in F and A Stars

Author(s): Deal M., Richard O., Vauclair S.

Conference: Workshop on Astrophysical Opacities (Kalamazoo, US, 2017-08)

. Simulations numériques des collisions atome-molécule pour l'astrophysique

Author(s): Bossion D., Scribano Y.

(Posters) Rencontre utilisateurs du centre de calcul MESO@LR (Montpellier, FR), 2018-03-05

+ The Zr–Nb pair in extrinsic stars as an s-process diagnostic doi link

Author(s): Karinkuzhi D., Van Eck S., Jorissen A., Goriely S., Siess L., Merle T., Escorza A., Van der Swaelmen M., Boffin M., Masseron T., Shetye S., Plez B.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 618 p.A32 (2018)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ An empirical recipe for inelastic hydrogen-atom collisions in non-LTE calculations doi link

Author(s): Ezzeddine R., Merle T., Plez B., Gebran M., Thévenin Frédéric, Van der Swaelmen M.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 618 p.A141 (2018)

+ I. Stellar parameters and chemical abundances in a sub-sample of S stars with new MARCS model atmospheres doi link

Author(s): Shetye S., Van Eck S., Jorissen A., Van Winckel H., Siess L., Goriely S., Escorza A., Karinkuzhi D., Plez B.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 620 p.A148 (2018)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ A candidate super-Earth planet orbiting near the snow line of Barnard’s star doi link

Author(s): Ribas I., Tuomi M., Reiners A., Butler R., Morales J., Perger M., Dreizler S., Rodríguez-López C., González Hernández I., Rosich A., Feng F., Trifonov T., Vogt S., Caballero A., Hatzes A., Herrero E., Jeffers S., Lafarga M., Murgas F., Nelson R., Rodríguez E., Strachan J., Tal-Or L., Teske J., Toledo-Padrón B., Barnes R., Henning Th., Lee M., Morin J., Reffert S.

(Article) Published: Nature, vol. 563 p.365-368 (2018)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

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