Team: LUPM/Particules, Astroparticules, Cosmologie : Théorie

Room: 19, Floor: 1, Build.: 13
Research Activities: |
The enigma of the origin of the cosmological dark matter is among the most pressing issues in contemporary fundamental physics. My PhD thesis addresses the phenomenology of some promising particle dark matter scenarios, from production in the early universe to potential detections through specific and complementary astrophysical signals (direct and indirect searches). Particular attention is given to WIMP - or FIMP - like candidates, and also to other classes of particles that can self-interact, the latter case providing structuring properties to dark matter in better agreement with current observations. Consequences of this structuring are explored with astrophysical and cosmological probes. |
Research Topics: - phys/phys.astr/phys.astr.co
- phys/phys.astr/phys.astr.he
- phys/phys.astr/phys.astr.ga
- phys/phys.hphe
Scientific productions :

Classification of gamma-ray targets for velocity-dependent and subhalo-boosted dark-matter annihilation 
Author(s): Lacroix T. , Facchinetti G. , Pérez-romero Judit , Stref M. , Lavalle J. , Maurin David , Sánchez-conde Miguel a.
(Article) Published:
Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics, vol. p.021 (2022)
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2022/10/021
Abstract: Gamma-ray observations have long been used to constrain the properties of dark matter (DM), with a strong focus on weakly interacting massive particles annihilating through velocity-independent processes.
However, in the absence of clear-cut observational evidence for the simplest candidates, the interest of the community in more complex DM scenarios involving a velocity-dependent cross-section has been growing steadily over the past few years.
We present the first systematic study of velocity-dependent DM annihilation (in particular $p$-wave annihilation and Sommerfeld enhancement) in a variety of astrophysical objects, not only including the well-studied Milky Way dwarf satellite galaxies, but nearby dwarf irregular galaxies and local galaxy clusters as well. Particular attention is given to the interplay between velocity dependence and DM halo substructure. Uncertainties related to halo mass, phase-space and substructure modelling are also discussed in this velocity-dependent context.
We show that, for $s$-wave annihilation, extremely large subhalo boost factors are to be expected, up to $10^{11}$ in clusters and up to $10^6-10^7$ in dwarf galaxies where subhalos are usually assumed not to play an important role. Boost factors for $p$-wave annihilation are smaller but can still reach $10^3$ in clusters.
The angular extension of the DM signal is also significantly impacted, with e.g. the cluster typical emission radius increasing by a factor of order 10 in the $s$-wave case.
We also compute the signal contrast of the objects in our sample with respect to annihilation happening in the Milky Way halo. Overall, we find that the hierarchy between the brightest considered targets depends on the specific details of the assumed particle-physics model.

Analytical insight into dark matter subhalo boost factors for Sommerfeld-enhanced $s$- and $p$-wave $\gamma$-ray signals 
Author(s): Facchinetti G., Stref M., Lacroix T., Lavalle J., Pérez-Romero Judit, Maurin David, Sánchez-Conde Miguel
(Article) Published:
Journal Of Cosmology And Astroparticle Physics, vol. 2023 p.004 (2023)
Links openAccess full text : 

Tidal stripping of dark matter subhalos by baryons from analytical perspectives: disk shocking and encounters with stars
Author(s): Facchinetti G. , Stref M. , Lavalle J.
(Document without bibliographic reference) 2022-01-21
Abstract: The cold dark matter (CDM) scenario predicts that galactic halos should host a huge amount of subhalos possibly as light as or lighter than planets, depending on the nature of dark matter. Predicting their abundance and distribution on such small scales has important implications for dark matter searches and searches for subhalos themselves, which could provide a decisive test of the CDM paradigm. A major difficulty in subhalo population model building is to account for the gravitational stripping induced by baryons, which strongly impact on the overall dynamics within the scale radii of galaxies. In this paper, we focus on these ``baryonic'' tides from analytical perspectives, summarizing previous work on galactic disk shocking, and thoroughly revisiting the impact of individual encounters with stars. For the latter, we go beyond the reference calculation of Gerhard and Fall (1983) to deal with penetrative encounters, and provide new analytical results. Based upon a full statistical analysis of subhalo energy change during multiple stellar encounters possibly occurring during disk crossing, we show how subhalos lighter than $\sim 1$~\msun\ are very efficiently pruned by stellar encounters, and how that modifies their mass function in a stellar environment. If reasonably resilient, surviving subhalos have lost all their mass but the inner cusp, with a tidal mass function strongly departing from the cosmological one; otherwise, their number density can drop by an order of magnitude at the solar position in the Milky Way with respect to disk-shocking effects only. For illustration, we integrate these results into our analytical subhalo population model. They can easily be incorporated to any other analytical or numerical approach. This study complements those using cosmological simulations, which cannot resolve dark matter subhalos on such small scales.

Statistics for dark matter subhalo searches in gamma rays from a kinematically constrained population model: Fermi-LAT-like telescopes 
Author(s): Facchinetti G. , Lavalle J. , Stref M.
(Article) Published:
Physical Review D, vol. 106 p.083023 (2022)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.106.083023
Abstract: Cold dark matter subhalos are expected to populate galaxies in numbers. If dark matter
self-annihilates, these objects turn into prime targets for indirect searches, in particular
with gamma-ray telescopes. Incidentally, the Fermi-LAT catalog already contains many unidentified
sources that might be associated with subhalos. In this paper, we infer the statistics of those
subhalos which could be identified as gamma-ray point-like sources from their predicted
distribution properties. We use a semi-analytical model for the Galactic subhalo population,
which, in contrast to cosmological simulations, can be made fully consistent with current
kinematic constraints in the Milky Way and has no resolution limit. The model incorporates
tidal stripping, predicted from a realistic distribution of baryons in the Milky Way. The same
baryonic distribution contributes a diffuse gamma-ray foreground, which adds up to that, often
neglected, induced by the smooth dark matter and the unresolved subhalos. This idealized
configuration, as viewed by an idealized telescope \`a la Fermi-LAT, implies a correlation between
point-like subhalo signals and diffuse background. Based on this modeling, we compute the
full statistics semi-analytically, and accurately determine the distribution properties of the
most luminous subhalos in the sky (relative to background). We find a number of
visible subhalos of order ${\cal O}(0-1)$ for optimistic model parameters and a WIMP mass of
100~GeV, maximized for a cored host halo. This barely provides support to the current
interpretation of several Fermi unidentified sources as subhalos. We also find that it is more
likely to detect the smooth Galactic halo itself before subhalos, should dark matter
in the GeV-TeV mass range self-annihilate through $s$-wave processes.