Photo de BRÜMMER Felix
BRÜMMER Felix      
Position : Permanent
Organism : UM2
Maître de Conférences
Doctoral advisor of : FERRANTE G.,
Team: LUPM/Particules, Astroparticules, Cosmologie : Théorie
Room: 17, Floor: 1, Build.: 13
Personal Web page

Local Administration:
  • Direction d'équipe
Curriculum Vitae:     
Doctorat, Université de Heidelberg, 2008
Chercheur, IPPP Durham (2008-10), DESY Hambourg (2010-13), SISSA Trieste (2013-14)
Maître de Conférences, LUPM, Université Montpellier II, depuis 2014
Research Activities:     
Physique théorique des particules élémentaires, physique au-delà du modèle standard, supersymétrie, physique LHC
Research Topics:
  • phys/phys.hphe
  • phys/phys.hthe
  • phys
  • phys/phys.hexp
. Supersymmetry with light higgsinos

Author(s): Brümmer F.

(H.D.R.) , 2018
Links openAccess full text : fichier pdf

Scientific productions :
+ Coscattering in next-to-minimal dark matter and split supersymmetry doi link

Author(s): Brümmer F.

(Article) Published: -Jhep, vol. 01 p.113 (2020)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

. Théorie quantique des champs

Author(s): Brümmer F.

(Lecture) , 2018

+ Next-to-minimal dark matter at the LHC doi link

Author(s): Bharucha Aoife, Brümmer F., Desai N.

(Article) Published: Journal Of High Energy Physics, vol. 2018 p.195 (2018)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Physics at the e+ e- Linear Collider doi link

Author(s): Moortgat-Pick G., Baer H., Battaglia M., Belanger G., Fujii K., Kalinowski J., Heinemeyer S., Kiyo Y., Olive K., Simon F., Uwer P., Wackeroth D., Zerwas P. M., Arbey A., Asano M., Bagger J., Bechtle P., Bharucha Aoife, Brau J., Brümmer F., Choi S. Y., Denner A., Desch K., Dittmaier S., Ellwanger U., Mahmoudi F., Mambrini Y., Pöschl R., Serpico P., Weiglein G.

(Article) Published: European Physical Journal C, vol. 75 p.371 (2015)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv