N'est plus au Laboratoire.
Position : Doctorant
Team: Astrophysique Stellaire

Room: 3, Floor: 4, Build.: 13
Research Topics: - phys/phys.phys/phys.phys.phys-atm-ph
- phys/phys.phys/phys.phys.phys-chem-ph
- phys/phys.phys/phys.phys.phys-comp-ph
- chim/chim.theo
- phys/phys.qphy
- phys/phys.astr/phys.astr.ga
- phys
- phys/phys.astr
Last scientific productions :

Machine learning prediction of state-to-state rate constants for astrochemistry 
Author(s): Bossion D., Nyman Gunnar, Scribano Y.
(Article) Published:
Artificial Intelligence Chemistry, vol. 2 p.100052 (2024)
DOI: 10.1016/j.aichem.2024.100052
Abstract: We investigate the possibility to use an artificial neural network in order to generate a large number of accurate state-to-state rate constants, from the available rates obtained at different accuracy levels, including small numbers of accurate rates and large numbers of low-accuracy rates.

Dynamics of H + HeH$^+ (v=0,j=0) \rightarrow$ H$_2^+$ + He: Insight on the Possible Complex-Forming Behaviour of the Reaction 
Author(s): Gonzalez-lezana Tomas, Bossion D., Scribano Y., Bhowmick Somnath, Suleimanov Yury
(Article) Published:
Journal Of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 123 p.10480-10489 (2019)

Theoretical investigation of the H + HD $\rightarrow$ D + H$_2$ chemical reaction for astrophysical applications : a state-to-state quasi-classical study 
Author(s): Bossion D., Ndengué Steve, Meyer H. d., Gatti Fabien, Scribano Y.
(Article) Published:
Journal Of Chemical Physics, vol. 153 p.081102 (2020)
DOI: 10.1063/5.0017697
Abstract: We report a large set of state-to-state rate constants for the H + HD reactive collision, using Quasi-Classical Trajectory (QCT) simulations on the accurate H$_3$ global potential energy surface of Mielke {\it et al.} [J. Chem. Phys. \textbf{116}, 4142 (2002)]. High relative collision energies (up to $\approx 56,000$~K) and high rovibrational levels of HD (up to $\approx 50,000$~K), relevant to various non thermal equilibrium astrophysical media, are considered. We have validated the accuracy of our QCT calculations with a new efficient adaptation of the MCTDH method to compute the reaction probability of a specific reactive channel.

C-type shock modelling -- the effect of new H$_2$--H collisional rate coefficients 
Author(s): Nesterenok A., Bossion D., Scribano Y., Lique Francois
(Article) Published:
Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 489 p.4520-4529 (2019)

Statistical behaviour of the HeH$^+$ + H $\rightarrow$ H$_2^+$ + He reaction, a quasi-classical and quantum statistical study
Author(s): Bossion D. , Scribano Y., Gonzalez lezana Tomas
Conference: Journée SF2A, atelier PCMI (Nice, FR, 2019-05-14)