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ACERO Fabio      
Position : Postdoc
Team: Expériences et Modélisation en Astroparticules et Cosmologie
Room: 6

Research Topics:
  • phys/phys.astr
  • sdu
  • phys/phys.astr/phys.astr.he
  • sdu/sdu.astr/sdu.astr.he
  • phys/phys.hexp
  • phys
  • phys/phys.astr/
  • sdu/sdu.astr/
  • sdu/sdu.astr/
  • phys/phys.astr/
Last scientific productions :
+ 325 and 610 MHz radio counterparts of SNR G353.6−0.7 also known as HESS J1731−347 doi link

Author(s): Nayana A.J., Chandra Poonam, Roy Subhashis, Green David A., Acero F., Lemoine-Goumard Marianne, Marcowith A., Ray Alak K., Renaud M.

(Article) Published: -Mon.not.roy.astron.soc., vol. 467 p.155-163 (2017)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ The first Fermi lat supernova remnant catalog doi link

Author(s): Acero F., Ackermann Markus, Ajello Marco, Baldini Luca, Ballet Jean, Barbiellini Guido, Bastieri D., Bellazzini R., Bissaldi E., Blandford R. D., Bloom E. D., Bonino R., Bregeon J., Bruel Pascal, Casandjian J. M., Cohen-Tanugi J., Condon B., Grenier I. A., Grondin M.-H., Guillemot Lucas, Horan D., Knödlseder J., Laffon H., Lemoine-Goumard M., Nuss E., Piron F., Renaud M., Reposeur T., Schmid J., Yassine M.

(Article) Published: The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, vol. 224 p.8 (2016)

+ A detailed study of non-thermal X-ray properties and interstellar gas toward the $\gamma$-ray supernova remnant RX J1713.7-3946 doi link

Author(s): Sano H., Fukuda T., Yoshiike S., Sato J., Horachi H., Kuwahara T., Torii K., Hayakawa T., Tanaka T., Matsumoto H., Inoue T., Yamazaki R., Inutsuka S., Kawamura A., Yamamoto H., Okuda T., Tachihara K., Mizuno N., Onishi T., Mizuno A., Acero F., Fukui Y.

(Article) Published: -Astrophys.j., vol. 799 p.175 (2015)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Probing the gamma-ray emission from HESS J1834-087 using H.E.S.S. and Fermi LAT observations doi link

Author(s): Abramowski A., Biteau J., Boisson C., Bolmont J., Brun P., Chalme-Calvet R., Chrétien M., Couturier C., Dalton M., Degrange B., Djannati-Ataï A., Espigat P., Fegan S., Feinstein F., Fernandez D., Fiasson A., Fontaine G., Gallant Y., Garrigoux T., Giebels B., Hervet O., Jacholkowska A., Khélifi B., Kieffer M., Komin N., Marcowith A., Mehault J., Renaud M., Vasileiadis G., Acero F.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 574 p.A27 (2015)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv


Author(s): Pivato G., W. Hewitt J., Tibaldo L., Acero F., Ballet Jean, J. Brandt T., De Palma F., Giordano F., H. Janssen G., Jóhannesson G., Smith David Stanley

(Article) Published: The Astrophysical Journal / The Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 779 p.2 (2013)
Links openAccess full text : arxiv
