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BRUN Patrick      
Position : Responsable Instrumentation
Organism : CNRS
Assistant Ingénieur
BAP C (Sciences de l'ingénieur et instrumentation scientifique)
Team: Instrumentation (supervisor of)
Room: 22, Floor: 3, Build.: 13

Research Topics:
  • phys/phys.phys/phys.phys.phys-ins-det
  • phys/phys.astr
  • phys/phys.hexp
  • sdu/sdu.astr
  • sdu/sdu.astr/
Last scientific productions :
+ Design and characterization of a single photoelectron calibration system for the NectarCAM camera of the medium-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array doi link

Author(s): Biasuzzi Barbara, Pressard Kevin, Biteau Jonathan, Geoffroy Brice, Domingues Goncalves Carlos, Hull Giulia, Imre Miktat, Josselin Michael, Maroni Alain, Mathon Bernard, Seminor Lucien, Suomijarvi Tiina, Nguyen Trung Thi, Vatrinet Laurent, Brun P., Caroff Sami, Fegan Stephen, Ferreira Oscar, Jean Pierre, Karkar Sonia, Olive Jean-François, Rivoire S., Sizun Patrick, Thiant Floris, Tsiahina Adellain, Toussenel François, Vasileiadis G.

(Article) Published: -Nucl.instrum.meth.a, vol. 950 p.162949 (2020)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Raman LIDARs for the atmospheric calibration along the line-of-sight of CTA doi link

Author(s): Ballester Otger, Blanch Oscar, Boix Joan, Bregeon J., Brun P., Colak Merve, Doro Michele, Da Deppo Vania, Font Lluis, Gabella O., Garcia Rafael, Gaug Markus, Maggio Camilla, Martinez Manel, Martinez Oscar, Adrover Pere Munar, Ramos Raul, Rivoire S., Stanic Samo, Villar David, Vasileiadis G., Wang Longlong, Zavrtanik Marko

Conference: 36th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Madison, US, 2019-07-24)
Proceedings: PoS, vol. ICRC2019 p.814 (2020)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout doi link

Author(s): Acharyya A., Angüner E.O., Amans J.-P., Arrabito L., Ashkar H., Biasuzzi B., Biteau J., Boisson C., Bregeon J., Brun P., Caroff S., Cassol F., Chaty S., Costantini H., Dangeon L., De Frondat F., De Naurois M., De Oña Wilhelmi E., Djannati-Ataï A., Dmytriiev A., Dournaux J.-L., Emery G., Fegan S., Fiasson A., Fontaine G., Gironnet J., Glicenstein J.-F., Goldoni P., Grondin M.-H., Vasileiadis G.

(Article) Published: -Astropart.phys., vol. 111 p.35-53 (2019)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array arxiv link

Author(s): Acharya B.S., Amans J.-P., Arrabito L., Ballet J., Bernardini M.-G., Biasuzzi B., Biteau J., Boisson C., Bolmont J., Bregeon J., Brun P., Carr J., Cerruti M., Chaty S., Chaves R., Costantini H., De Naurois M., Djannati-Ataï A., Dubus G., Ernenwein J.-P., Fasola G., Fegan S., Fesquet M., Gallant Y., Marcowith A., Padovani M., Renaud M., Rivoire S., Sanguillon M., Vasileiadis G.

(Document without bibliographic reference) 2019-03-00
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Raman LIDARs and atmospheric calibration for the Cherenkov Telescope Array arxiv link

Author(s): Vasileiadis G., Blanch Oscar, Bregeon J., Brun P., Calpe Oriol, Colak Merve S., Doro Michele, Font Lluis, Gaug Markus, Griffiths Scott, Maggio Camilla, Martinez Manel, Martinez Oscar, Ristori Pablo, Rivoire S.

Conference: 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (Busan, KR, 2017-07-12)
Proceedings: , vol. p. ()
Links openAccess full text : arXiv
