Photo de MORIN Julien
MORIN Julien      
Organism : UM2
Maître de Conférences
Team: Astrophysique Stellaire
Room: 39, Floor: 4, Build.: 21
Personal Web page

Local Administration:
  • Direction d'équipe
Research Topics:
  • sdu/sdu.astr/
Last scientific productions :
+ Long-term monitoring of large-scale magnetic fields across optical and near-infrared domains with ESPaDOnS, Narval and SPIRou. The cases of EV Lac, DS Leo, and CN Leo arxiv link

Author(s): Bellotti S.(Corresp.), Morin J., Lehmann L. t., Petit P., Hussain G. a. j., Donati J. -f., Folsom C. p., Carmona A., Martioli E., Klein B., Fouque P., Moutou C., Alencar S., Artigau E., Boisse I., Bouchy F., Bouvier J., Cook N. j., Delfosse X., Doyon R., Hebrard G.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 686 p.A66 (2024)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Accretion and magnetism on young eccentric binaries: DQ Tau and AK Sco doi link

Author(s): Pouilly Kim, Hahlin Axel, Kochukhov Oleg, Morin J., Kóspál Ágnes

(Article) Published: Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 528 p.6786-6806 (2024)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Multi-scale magnetic field investigation of the M-dwarf eclipsing binary CU Cancri doi link

Author(s): Hahlin A., Kochukhov O., Rains A. d., Morin J., Hussain G., Hebb L., Stassun K.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 684 p.A175 (2024)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Characterizing planetary systems with SPIRou: M-dwarf planet-search survey and the multiplanet systems GJ 876 and GJ 1148 doi link

Author(s): Moutou C., Delfosse X., Petit A. c., Donati J. -f., Artigau E., Fouque P., Carmona A., Ould-elhkim M., Arnold L., Cook N. j., Cadieux C., Bellotti S., Boisse I., Bouchy F., Charpentier P., Cortes-zuleta P., Doyon R., Hebrard G., Martioli E., Morin J., Vandal T.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 678 p.A207 (2023)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Magnetic fields & rotation periods of M dwarfs from SPIRou spectra doi link

Author(s): Donati J. -f., Lehmann L. t., Cristofari P. i., Fouqué P., Moutou C., Charpentier P., Ould-elhkim M., Carmona A., Delfosse X., Artigau E., Alencar S. h. p., Cadieux C., Arnold L., Petit P., Morin J., Forveille T., Cloutier R., Doyon R., Hébrard G., Collaboration The sls

(Article) Published: Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 525 p.2015–2039 (2023)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv
