Photo de SCRIBANO Yohann
SCRIBANO Yohann      
Position : Maître de conférences HDR
Organism : UM2
Maître de Conférences
Team: Astrophysique Stellaire
Room: 7, Floor: 4, Build.: 21 - Site : campus Triolet

National Administration:
  • Expert ANR
Local Administration:
  • Responsable de formations
  • Responsable de diplôme (M2)
Research Activities:     
Théories et Simulations en Dynamique Quantique Moléculaire - Applications à l'Astrophysique Moléculaire
Research Projects:
PI du projet ANR "HyTRAJ" (2020-2025)
Partenaire du projet ANR "CROSS" (2022-2025)
Research Topics:
  • phys/phys.phys/phys.phys.phys-atm-ph
  • phys/phys.phys/phys.phys.phys-chem-ph
  • phys/phys.phys/phys.phys.phys-comp-ph
Last scientific productions :
+ Role of Long Range Interactions in Low-Temperature Molecular Reactive Collisions

Author(s): Scribano Y.(Corresp.)

(Seminars) Laboratoire de chimie et physique quantiques (Toulouse, FR), 2024-12-17

+ Quantum Dynamics of Chemical Reactions of Astrophysical Interest Within a Reaction Path Framework

Author(s): Knapik J.(Corresp.), Lauvergnat David, Scribano Y.

(Posters) Colloque du programme physique chimie du milieu interstellaire (Bordeaux, FR), 2024

+ Two-layer anharmonicity of infrared shift in weakly bound molecular complexes

Author(s): Scribano Y.(Corresp.)

Invited Conference: Simons Symposium on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Zlatko Bacic (New-York, US, 2024-10-25)

+ Low temperature dynamics of H + HeH$^+$ $\rightarrow$ H$_2^+$ + He reaction: On the importance of long-range interaction doi link

Author(s): Sahoo J., Bossion D., Gonzalez-lezana Tomas, Talbi D., Scribano Y.(Corresp.)

(Article) Published: Journal Of Chemical Physics, vol. p.144312 (2024)

+ Low and very low temperature dynamics of H + HeH$^+$ $\rightarrow$ H$^+ _2$ + He reaction: On the importance of long-range interaction

Author(s): Sahoo J.(Corresp.), Bossion D., Gonzalez-lezana Tomas, Talbi D., Scribano Y.(Corresp.)

(Posters) MOLEC2024 (Aahrus, DK), 2024-06-30
