N'est plus au Laboratoire.
Fonction : doctorant
Thème de Recherche: LUPM/Particules, Astroparticules, Cosmologie : Théorie

Bureau: 44, Bât: 13
Domaines de Recherche: - Physique/Physique des Hautes Energies - Phénoménologie
Productions scientifiques :

Naturalness and Fine Tuning in the NMSSM: Implications of Early LHC Results 
Auteur(s): Ellwanger Ulrich, Espitalier Noel Grégory, Hugonie C.
(Article) Publié:
Journal Of High Energy Physics, vol. 1109 p.105 (2011)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : 

Naturalness and fine tuning in the NMSSM: Implications of Early LHC Results 
Auteur(s): Ellwanger Ulrich, Hugonie C., Espitalier-Noel G.
(Document sans référence bibliographique) 2011-07-12
Ref Arxiv: 0
Résumé: We study the fine tuning in the parameter space of the
semi-constrained NMSSM, where most soft Susy breaking parameters are universal at the GUT scale. We discuss the dependence of the fine tuning on the soft Susy breaking parameters $M_{1/2}$ and $m_0$, and on the Higgs masses in NMSSM specific scenarios involving large singlet-doublet Higgs mixing or dominant Higgs-to-Higgs decays. Whereas these latter scenarios allow a priori for considerably less fine tuning than the constrained MSSM, the early LHC results rule out a large part of the parameter space of the semi-constrained NMSSM corresponding to low values of the fine tuning.