Photo de MARCOWITH Alexandre
MARCOWITH Alexandre      
Position : Permanent
Organism : CNRS
Directeur de Recherche
Doctoral advisor of : GUILLET V., CALLIES E.,
Doctoral co-advisor of : MESKINI C.,
Team: Expériences et Modélisation en Astroparticules et Cosmologie
Room: 33, Floor: 4, Build.: 21 - Site : UM2
Personal Web page

National Administration:
  • Expert ANR
Local Administration:
  • Membre d'un pool d'experts
  • Direction d'équipe
Research Activities:     
Astrophysique des hautes énergies-Physique du rayonnement cosmique: sources compacts, restes de supernova, processus radiatifs et d'accélération. Simulations numériques magnétohydrodynamique et théorie cinétique. Turbulence dans le milieu interstellaire.
Calculs intensifs, parallèles et sur grille adaptative.
Research Projects:
Co-Encadrant de la thèse de V. Brunn, C.Meskini Encadrant d'un postdoctorant: A. Araudo (Marie Curie fellow), M. Pandey-Pommier (CEFIPRA grants)
Research Topics:
  • phys/phys.astr
  • sdu/sdu.astr/sdu.astr.he
  • sdu/sdu.astr
  • phys
  • phys/phys.phys/phys.phys.phys-ins-det
  • phys/phys.astr/phys.astr.he
  • phys/phys.astr/
  • phys/phys.astr/
  • phys/phys.hexp
  • phys/phys.nexp
  • phys/phys.hphe
  • phys/phys.grqc
  • sdu
  • sdu/sdu.astr/
  • phys/phys.hthe
Last scientific productions :
+ Evidence of 100 TeV $\gamma$-ray emission from HESS J1702-420: A new PeVatron candidate doi link

Author(s): Abdalla H., Angüner E.O., Armand C., Ashkar H., Boisson C., Bolmont J., de Bony de Lavergne M., Brun F., Brun P., Caroff S., Carosi A., Devin J., Djannati-Ataï A., Dmytriiev A., Emery G., Ernenwein J.-P., Fegan S., Fiasson A., Fichet de Clairfontaine G., Fontaine G., Gabici S., Gallant Y., Giunti L., Glicenstein J.F., Grondin M.-H., Khélifi B., Kosack K., Marcowith A., Renaud M., Vasileiadis G.

(Article) Published: -Astron.astrophys., vol. p. (2021)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Nonlinear diffusion of cosmic rays escaping from supernova remnants: Cold partially neutral atomic and molecular phases doi link

Author(s): Brahimi L., Marcowith A., Ptuskin V. s.

(Article) Published: Astronomy & Astrophysics, vol. 633 p.A72 (2020)

+ Time-dependent high-energy gamma-ray signal from accelerated particles in core-collapse supernovae: the case of SN 1993J doi link

Author(s): Cristofari P., Renaud M., Marcowith A., Dwarkadas V.V., Tatischeff V.

(Article) Published: Monthly Notices Of The Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 494 p.2760-2765 (2020)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ High-energy particles and radiation in star-forming regions doi link

Author(s): Bykov Andrei M., Marcowith A., Amato Elena, Kalyashova Maria E., Kruijssen J.M. Diederik, Waxman Eli

(Article) Published: -Space Sci.rev., vol. 216 p.42 (2020)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Impact of low-energy cosmic rays on star formation doi link

Author(s): Padovani M., Ivlev Alexei V., Galli Daniele, Offner Stella S.R., Indriolo Nick, Rodgers-Lee Donna, Marcowith A., Girichidis Philipp, Bykov Andrei M., Kruijssen J.M. Diederik

(Article) Published: -Space Sci.rev., vol. 216 p.29 (2020)
Links openAccess full text : arXiv
