SAHOO Jayakrushna
Thème de Recherche: Astrophysique Stellaire
Bureau: , Bât: 21
Activités de Recherche: |
Quantum and classical reactive scattering study of bimolecular reactions |
Domaines de Recherche: - Physique/Physique/Agrégats Moléculaires et Atomiques
- Physique/Physique/Chimie-Physique
- Physique/Physique/Physique Numérique
Productions scientifiques :

Low temperature dynamics of H + HeH$^+$ $\rightarrow$ H$_2^+$ + He reaction: On the importance of long-range interaction 
Auteur(s): Sahoo J., Bossion D., Gonzalez-lezana Tomas, Talbi D., Scribano Y.
(Article) Publié:
Journal Of Chemical Physics, vol. p.144312 (2024)
DOI: 10.1063/5.0233558
Résumé: While the growing realization of the importance of long-range interactions is being demonstrated in cold and ultracold bimolecular collision experiments, their influence on one of the most critical ion-neutral reactions has been overlooked. Here, we address the non-Langevin abrupt decrease observed earlier in the low energy integral cross sections and rate coefficients of the astrochemically important H + HeH$^+$ $\rightarrow$ H$^+_2$ + He reaction. We attribute this to the presence of artificial barriers on existing potential energy surfaces (PESs). By incorporating precise long-range interaction terms, we introduce a new refined barrierless PES for the electronic ground state of HeH$_{2}^{+}$ reactive system, aligning closely with high level {\ab} electronic energies. Our findings, supported by various classical, quantum, and statistical methods, underscore the significance of long-range terms in accurately modeling reactive PESs. The low temperature rate coefficient on this new PES shows a substantial enhancement as compared to the previous results and aligns with Langevin behavior. This enhancement could affect noticeably the impact HeH$^{+}$ abundance prediction in early Universe condition.

Low and very low temperature dynamics of H + HeH$^+$ $\rightarrow$ H$^+
_2$ + He reaction: On the importance of long-range interaction
Auteur(s): Sahoo J. , Bossion D., Gonzalez-lezana Tomas, Talbi D., Scribano Y.
MOLEC2024 (Aahrus, DK), 2024-06-30
Résumé: Growing innovations in recent experimental studies of cold and ultracold gas-phase bimolec-
ular collisions have demonstrated the importance of long-range interactions in ion-neutral
reactions [1]. In this study, we address the non-Langevin abrupt decrease observed ear-
lier [2,3] in the low energy integral cross sections and rate coefficients of astrochemically
important H + HeH+ ! H+
2 + He reaction. We attribute this to the presence of artificial
barriers on existing potential energy surfaces (PESs) [4]. By including precise long-range
interaction terms, we introduce a new refined barrierless PES for the HeH+
2 reactive system,
aligning closely with high level ab initio electronic energies. Our findings, supported by
various classical, quantum, and statistical methods, underscore the significance of long-
range terms in accurately modeling reactive PESs. Moreover, the substantial enhancement
in rate coefficients at low temperatures (roughly 2 orders of magnitude at 10 K), which
conform with Langevin behavior, may have significant impact on the HeH+ abundance
prediction in early Universe condition, which are further to be discovered. Most notably, this
enhancement yields a reaction rate coefficient of comparable magnitude to that observed in
a recent experiment [5] on dissociative recombination (DR) of HeH+, particularly within 100
K. This suggests that the destruction of primordial HeH+ by H may become as significant
as the DR process at low redshifts.