SANGUILLON Michèle n'a pas fourni de Photo.
SANGUILLON Michèle      
Position : Responsable du service informatique
Organism : CNRS
Ingénieur de recherche
BAP E (Informatique et calcul scientifique)
Team: Informatique
Room: , Floor: 4, Build.: 21

Research Topics:
  • phys/phys.astr
  • info
  • phys/phys.hexp
  • phys/phys.phys/phys.phys.phys-ins-det
  • info/
  • phys/phys.astr/phys.astr.he
  • info/
  • phys/phys.astr/
  • phys/phys.astr/
  • sdu/sdu.astr/
Last scientific productions :
+ Archiving data from a software telescope doi link

Author(s): Boisson Catherine, Servillat Mathieu, Kosack Karl, Louys Mireille, Bonnarel François, Sanguillon M.

Conference: The New Era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (Groningen, NL, 2019-03-25)
Proceedings: PoS, vol. Asterics2019 p.015 (2020)

+ Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array arxiv link

Author(s): Acharya B.S., Amans J.-P., Arrabito L., Ballet J., Bernardini M.-G., Biasuzzi B., Biteau J., Boisson C., Bolmont J., Bregeon J., Brun P., Carr J., Cerruti M., Chaty S., Chaves R., Costantini H., De Naurois M., Djannati-Ataï A., Dubus G., Ernenwein J.-P., Fasola G., Fegan S., Fesquet M., Gallant Y., Marcowith A., Padovani M., Renaud M., Rivoire S., Sanguillon M., Vasileiadis G.

(Document without bibliographic reference) 2019-03-00
Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Provenance for Astrophysical Data doi link

Author(s): Galkin Anastasia, Riebe Kristin, Streicher Ole, Bonnarel François, Louys Mireille, Sanguillon M., Servillat Mathieu, Nullmeier Markus

Book: (2018) 252-256

+ Provenance as a requirement for large-scale complex astronomical instruments arxiv link

Author(s): Servillat Mathieu, Boisson Catherine, Lefaucheur Julien, Kosack Karl, Sanguillon M., Louys Mireille, Bonnarel François

Conference: ADASS XXVII (Santiago, CL, 2017-10)

Links openAccess full text : arXiv

+ Provenance Tools for Astronomy hal link

Author(s): Sanguillon M.(Corresp.), Bonnarel François, Louys Mireille, Nullmeier Markus, Riebe Kiristin, Servillat Mathieu

(Posters) ADASS (Santiago de Chile, CL), 2017-10-22
