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Fri 02/14/25 14:00 Andromede, Buiding 11, Floor 3

Thé au cube

(LUPM/Particules, Astroparticules, Cosmologie : Théorie)


Thu 02/27/25 14:00 Salle des Séminaires, Buiding 21, Floor 4

AUCLAIR Pierre (UC-Louvain)

(LUPM/Particules, Astroparticules, Cosmologie : Théorie)

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Latest publications

+ Two-layer anharmonicity of infrared shift in weakly bound molecular complexes

Author(s): Scribano Y.(Corresp.)

Invited Conference: Simons Symposium on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Zlatko Bacic (New-York, US, 2024-10-25)

+ Low temperature dynamics of H + HeH$^+$ $\rightarrow$ H$_2^+$ + He reaction: On the importance of long-range interaction doi link

Author(s): Sahoo J., Bossion D., Gonzalez-lezana Tomas, Talbi D., Scribano Y.(Corresp.)

(Article) Published: Journal Of Chemical Physics, vol. p.144312 (2024)

+ Stability of glycine interacting with space ionizing radiations : what theoretical chemistry can tells us

Author(s): Talbi D.(Corresp.)

Invited Conference: COSPAR 2024 45th Scientific Assembly (Busan, KR, 2024-07-13)
Proceedings: , vol. p. ()